On the other hand, Obama went with a (perceived) moderate, and he won.

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Good!Fucking GREAT, actually!I hope that justice will be done upon these 4 racist bastards.

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She's a doctor of rhetoric!

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"When now-former Minneapolis, Minnesota, police officer Derek Chauvin brutally killed George Floyd on a city street, three other cops stood and watched"

Actually, no. 2 of them were actively participating by holding George Floyd down while he was being murdered, and the other cop was keeping other people from getting close. Quite a bit more than simply watching.

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Yes, but Obama himself was seen as a radical liberal (not by us) where as Clinton, Gore, and Clinton were seen as moderates.

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This is still undercharging. The crime was really 1st degree murder, but trying to prove that would run the risk of failure.

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And the head of the police union is ranting about 'no due justice' for the pigs.

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I don't have to "actively" want Biden to be President to vote for him, VBNMW, we're allowed to criticize, and thanks for playing.

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Yeah, the idea that Obama was some radical leftist... 🤣🙄🤦‍♂️🤣

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As a former union steward, I agree. There are always those cases where the union member did something essentially indefensible. My job was not to ensure that they experienced no consequences, it was to see to it that they got fair shakes as they were ushered out the door.

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voting for Biden while loudly complaining about Biden doesn't do a lot to help convince wobblers to vote for Biden . . . it's OK to not like him and complain to your heart's content during the primaries and such . . . but once the choice is made it's best to not complain unless you hate-the-guy-with-the heat-of-a-thousand-suns and would rather see t'Rump have another go at finishing off this imperfect little democracy we have here.

i'm pretty well convinced that the people who kept saying "i'll hold my nose and vote for Hillary" helped her lose . . . if the candidate can't get enthusiastic (or, at least, uncomplaining) support, it makes them look weak and doesn't do a lot to convince folks on the fence.

it's like the Bernie Bros who won't let go . . . it's not helping anyone but t'Rump.

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You don't want or need them, believe me.

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I wanna see the mug shots of all of them. I understand that all except Chauvin are "other" minorities, which does seem kinda odd to me. Maybe trying to prove they can be just as racist at the white dude?

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The right thing is always the hardest thing. I've found out when faced by an ethical dilemma, the right thing to do will be energy depleting, frustrating and not very rewarding except in the long term.

Doing the wrong, or more often neutral, thing is easy and often rewarding, in the short term.

Anymore, any time I have a life choice, I go with the one which causes me the most trouble. Life choice, not fun choice, to be clear. :-)

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I have a different perspective. I think it's very much part of the story. We are at such a delicate and perilous junction that opportunities, seized or missed, are changing the course of history. We can no longer afford the luxury of politicians whose moral compass is set to expedience, and whose compromises are frosted with rationales.

Balls have been dropped. Messages have been conveyed. She has played a role in creating the situation in which these four felt entitled to act as they did.

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Read them Robyn's excellent story on him.


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