I had the biggest crowd ever!

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god, this is stupid. either trolls on twitter have gotten even dumber than they were in '16 or they're not even trying anymore.

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Huh! Not worrying about the$500 billion?!Ya gotta have priorities. Keep fucking the same people over and over. I need a shower

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Um, stupid question, and I'm not trying to troll anybody (duh) but, Steven, is it OK to be selling indoor show tickets right now? When is it scheduled for?

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por que no los dos?

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I do. I think I liked it as I'm a fan of Richard Pryor. The plot was ridiculous, to be fair.

The Toy, now....that was good stuff...

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All donors matter

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I forgot that it's 2020 for a moment. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Well, using rudeness as a measure isn't such a bad thing. I mean, if they're talking to someone that might get them sprung and they're being a dick about it, maybe they should stay put for a while.

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so he was offered a PPP loan for his "business" and declined it, apparently. He thinks taxation is theft so why would he apply in the first place?I still haven't gotten any money under PPP although I kept my doors open so they probably have it earmarked for their buddies.

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OK, I won't believe the worst is in people, but I can believe the worst is in Charlie Kirk, right?

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From my understanding, the jobs that require this are few and far between

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$30MM means that they have lots of rainy day fund for the future. Maybe they can become the Minnesota/Wisconsin/Iowa/Dakotas Freedom Fund...

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Hell, they can probably pay to have a lawyer or two on staff...

But I think what Those People are freaked out about is the editorial comment that $30MM represents: That folks are tired of this shit...

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My theory is that the better trolls are sick at the moment, so we're down to the second and third teams now.

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I support them because, well, I've always liked the name "Bill" and who would have thought I'd meet two guys named Bill Corinthian, but i did, and they're great great guys who are going to totally reform the police. If there's anyone who could reform the police bigger or bigger than Bill Corinthian, I don't know who it ... you know, a lot of people are saying that Bill Corinthian actually would do a better job, but that's okay, because i've got them both. Two-Bill, I call them, and when you look at a duck, you can see why. But Democrats don't see it. They don't understand about the two bills, because they don't support the troops and they don't want the troops to have good jobs to come home to, where they can put their sniper training and tank training and such to use. But that's Democrats. I think most people in the country, like, probably more even than 100% of people, which most people think is the top, but I've done better. And that's why people are so excited about Make America Great and how you don't have to reform America right now because it is great.

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