If we can't talk about gun control after these spasmodic episodes of mindless violence and murder, when can we? Isn't this the time we're SUPPOSED to talk about it? I don't believe anyone was calling out the "shamelessness" or "cheap stunts" when everyone was freaking out about terrorism after 9-11.

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<i>"...don’t force me to lose my liberty, which is a greater tragedy than your loss."</i>

DUI deaths are the price of the liberty to drink and drive. 9/11 was the price of the liberty to carry knives on planes. Abortions are the price of the liberty to control your body.

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Because of the name, obv.

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I think you're onto something here. According to Bob Davis, the way to get a king is to speak out publicly, and lobby one's elected officials to change a variety of unrelated laws, one tiny increment at a time, until eventually the whole Constitution turns inside out and voilà! Monarchy! (Really, I had no idea it worked that way. I was imagining muskets and quill pens ... who knew?)

Clearly, Mr. Kincaid has taken Bob Davis's advice to heart and is using the correct method for becoming king of Wonkette.

It may take a while, but I guess we'll all just have to be patient. We can pass the time by staring in awe at Minnesota, whose entertainment value has not hit these levels since the Jesse Ventura days.

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If we can't keep dangerous firearms out of the hands of lunatics can we at least point them toward talk radio hosts?

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No one ever gave up power willingly; left or right.

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Dammit, being dead isn't usually thought of as being a good thing, but not ever having to hear these inhuman shitsacks? That's one in the 'Pro' column.

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i do not understand why this argument is not made more.

i really feel it here in chicago. why should my city be utterly restricted in its ability to deal with a plague of gun violence b/c some shithead in MN needs to - i don't know - shoot quail in a box?


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Let's not forget that these people have a broadcast radio program.

You have a comment box.

They "matter." They've got a significant influence footprint, relatively speaking.

Sure, you can argue that Wonkette's just giving valuable life-sustaining attention to the shit-human hybrids, but I don't really think that aphorism about "all press is good" still works in these days of instant media and instant social feedback.

Horrible monster pundits in our classic media ostensibly control far greater swaths of public opinion than your average public office holder does, and I fully support this kind of asymmetric warfare against any of the Koch-esque powers that give ghouls like these all the tools they need to reach way more minds than they ever deserve to, from the top FOX pundits down to the subhuman creeps working Radio Rwanda, Minnesota Division.

I think if the new way to look at it is if you expose shit-based life forms to enough sunlight, they WILL dry out blow away. I see it as a public service, not a blight. Letting things like this go right by, means letting things like this continue to go right by, doesn't it?

You have a point, that sure, we don't want Teh Wonket to become some listicle of Top 10 Peripheral Assholes Biggest Sideboobs. But I don't think it's even remotely on that path.

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"Somalia lets all its people shoot anyone they want to, any time!! YOU'RE A TERRIBLE GOVERNMENT!!"

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"Bob Jr." is either his pistol or his penis. Thankfully, not his child.

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Peak Salted Rat Dick is a MYTH!!1

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If you take Bob Davis' ability to own every kind of extant firearm away, what else will give his life any value at all?

Surely you librals see the awful tragedy in that?!

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<i>he is sorry IF you were offended! </i>

To be fair, that means he is WAAAAY FUCKING SORRY.

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<i>you know what I say to you is what I’m thinking </i>

Yeah, that's sort of the whole problem here, Bob.

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So, he's quite proud of his complete lack of concern for his fellow humans. Sometimes it's far too easy to believe that this country is overrun with sociopaths.

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