So what, now cash is contraband for poor people?? What an oxymoron!! Another useless Ripofflicon measure. Lets force tax cheating corporations to get their benefits in nonspendable government debit cards, just the same as TANF and so on. So anyone on tax relief can't do anything fun. Lets ban them from having cash, and while we're at it, let's make smiling an arrestable offense comrade. Not to mention the wearing of nice clothing. Let's just issue them prison camp uniforms, and put a tax cheat mark on their drivers license!! If spending tax money on fun is illegal, anyone on tax relief should be treated the same as the poor!!!!

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Like the liquor stores in San Francisco that used to take "welfare" checks and bank the folks who received them?

By the way, these same stores used to sell cigarettes one at a time...

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<i>We just have better roads ...</i>

Don't jump to conclusions, now. There was that bridge collapse in the Minneapolis area a couple of years ago, after all.

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No, they're allowed one can; they just have to finish it before they can get a second.

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The Minnesota Republicans are more compassionate than you think. They heard some of the poor might be getting a little depressed by this and, who knows, might be considering suicide. So they're proposing a new bill saying the poors have to give up anything that they could hurt themselves with, like clothing. It's worked so well with Bradley Manning, after all.

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yes but will that $20 be audited when it helps to pay for your rape abortion?

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That photo...must scrub mind....

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Ah, but the law, in its majestic equality, forbids the rich as well as the poor to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal bread.

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Jesus fucking weeping Christ.

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I'm a 99-er. I was able to get a free 3-month supply of my statin drug from the manufacturer (which I couldn't afford since it was $125 a month without insurance). But even paying for a doctor's visit is hard. I came down with bronchitis a couple of months ago. Finally went, paid over $150 for the exam and got the meds for about $15. It came back after about a month and now they want another visit in case it's something else. I've told them I'd rather run that risk and pay just another $15 for the Rx rather than $150 for a 'look'.

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**looks at $20 dollar bill**

Sez here: <i>This note is legal tender for all debts, public and private.</i> Hmmm.

But I'm sure Minnesota's right-wingers will try to claim there's some invisible clause in the 10th Amendment that allows states to regulate transport of federal currency.

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I can't come up with anything snarky; this is just disgusting. Debtors' prisons next?

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So this makes the perfect gig for ethically challenged police "Give me all of your money or I'll arrest you; well, you can keep $20 of it".

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More Progress for the <i>Freedom Agenda®</i>!!! We will soon, very soon, be in a wingnut utopia ... or as some call it: Mississippi. (but, sadly, the Republicans in Mississippi have not proposed anything like this. Why do they hate America?)

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Here in Minnesota both houses went to Republicans this last election (can you tell?) fortunately the Governorship went to a Democrat who will veto this crap.

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workhouses worked well cleaning up 18th c london too.

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