Your tweet may not be in itself harmful...however sir, your very existance is harmful. Seriously, we all joke about derp, but more and more I'm finding derp to be a force for evil.

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Thing is, he doesn't WANT out-- he's waiting for the rest of the party to "fall in" along with him.

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""The misery people live with every day as policies crush dreams and opportunity"--- yeah, but they're REPUBLICAN policies, ya dickwad!

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One has to be a particularly spectacular shitbag to use a persons death to promote oneself. See also: Rush Limbaugh.

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I actually did pretty well in the '80s. In fact that decade was probably the high water mark of my life so far. I earned my Master's, got my career underway (and for awhile was the <i>wunderkind</i> at my agency), got into the best physical shape of my life and enjoyed an active social life. My pay during the middle part of the decade reached its maximum inflation-adjusted buying power; even though I got several more raises after that and my nominal pay kept climbing, in inflation-adjusted terms it plateaued after that and actually declined. None of this had anything to do with Reagan or the Republicans though. (I started grad school when Carter was President, reaching my physical peak, launching my professional career and the fulfilling social life were all just a matter of timing, and my pay raises were courtesy of my union.)

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Doesn't count. Acters are pretend people, so it was a pretend union.

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Jesus, if The Framers™ had been able to see how their vaunted "free speech" is being "exercised" today, they'd find themselves in the deepest throes of near suicidal depression also too.

Why so sad, Patrick Henry? "The future of politics is filled with jibbering half-thoughts made of language so insultingly degraded it is almost unrecognizable... fuck it, just give me death."

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Fields also managed to work in "political correctness" and "free speech means you can't be mean to me".

Gotta admit, to be that much of a jackwagon takes true dedication.

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Don't forget he signed pro-choice abortion law in California while governor ... years before Roe v Wade.

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Don't forget selling missiles to Iran.

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I think Chris' mistake here was mis-identifying the likely readers of his tweets. He expected them to be sour, angry Republican douchebags like himself, but what he got was real human beings. Oopsie.

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Nanu neener neener.

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<i>Bcuz ppl who place <strike>celebrity</strike> <b>veneration of Ronald Regan</b> above all don't want their world interrupted by the fact that <strike>they</strike> <b>his policies</b> actually hurt real ppl?</i>


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Also, he was born in Chicago, so Obama! RoBENGHAZI!!!1!!! Williams!

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Are you suggesting that he ran afoul of real ppl?

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Chapter 3 of "How to Win Friends and Influence People", by Tomás de Torquemada.

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