me personally i am proud to be an amoral slut with A Past who spent about a decade doing unspeakable things.
and i betcha a whole lot of whore diamonds mr fuf and i (going on 17 faithful years) are going to last longer in a monogamous relationship than miss nancy pants here.
Hey I've got an idea! Let's deprive that newborn of all sorts of necessities at one of the most crucial points of its life by denying the mother a babby shower
Yup, lets punish that babby to teach that wanton whore a lesson
I had to re-read the excerpt from her book-shaped object (love that, Dan) a couple of times. There are some rich layers of fatuousness in that woman's head. She could easily rival some of the bettter "player" MRA writers in style and lack of intelligibility. I'm curious what she envisions a woman's role in dating is. Besides shaving her legs and keeping her mouth shut, of course. The whole thing reads like a creepy ad for a combination homepathic / visualization product.
Lets just brand all those children with a scarlet B so they get to grow up with the whole world shaming them for being bastards. That'll teach those kids to be born to the wrong parents
Don't forget to lecture other people about the importance of traditional moral values while you're at it.
I guarantee she mispronounced it.
She claims to be a Phi Bet, also, too. So, not stupid, just heartless.
Will the Snowbilly Grifter be campaigning and fundraising for her? I would think that would be a moral crisis on both their parts.
me personally i am proud to be an amoral slut with A Past who spent about a decade doing unspeakable things.
and i betcha a whole lot of whore diamonds mr fuf and i (going on 17 faithful years) are going to last longer in a monogamous relationship than miss nancy pants here.
Hubby Todd has it locked down tiiiiight, when that spring uncoils it will be uuuuugly.
---sorry for excessive vowel use
The thing about grifting is you can't have any of the above to be good at it and Caribou Barbie is a master.
I think the slut pills short out the wiring.
He knows after 30 days? I haven't even figured out alternate-side-of-the-street parking yet.
Hey I've got an idea! Let's deprive that newborn of all sorts of necessities at one of the most crucial points of its life by denying the mother a babby shower
Yup, lets punish that babby to teach that wanton whore a lesson
Pro life my ass
If you forego a shower, wouldn't that make you a dirty slut?
I had to re-read the excerpt from her book-shaped object (love that, Dan) a couple of times. There are some rich layers of fatuousness in that woman's head. She could easily rival some of the bettter "player" MRA writers in style and lack of intelligibility. I'm curious what she envisions a woman's role in dating is. Besides shaving her legs and keeping her mouth shut, of course. The whole thing reads like a creepy ad for a combination homepathic / visualization product.
Ben Weasel, is that you? (yeah, I know, wrong state geographically but right state of mind. Maybe?)
they're the best kind...
The iron dome
Lets just brand all those children with a scarlet B so they get to grow up with the whole world shaming them for being bastards. That'll teach those kids to be born to the wrong parents