Whatever happened to "as a condition of receiving this operating certificate, said facility will accept all patients regardless of religious affiliation and will provide treatment to all patients in accordance with accepted practices of evidence-based medicine" (or similar words to that effect) as requirements for receiving an operating certificate from the state health department? (IOW, withholding treatment due to doctrinal issues in opposition to sound medical practice is sufficient reason for immediate suspension of the facility's operating certificate.) I have friends who work in the state health department in my state who insist that Mercy Muskegon's bullshit would never fly. Any place that tried to pull a stunt like that would be shut down in a heartbeat and it's corporate owners would be hit with a very stiff fine. The physician involved would face investigation and possible sanction by the state medical licensing agency.

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So since when do religiously-affiliated hospitals, which like every other kind must have a valid state-issued operating certificate in order to open their doors, get to ignore state and federal health regulations? Something is very wrong and blatantly illegal about this incident.

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Which is why they are often the only available choice for many poor folks.

But no, we can't have universal health care because that would be socialism

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R Regan: the "shiv" that keeps on twisting, Ad infinitum.


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... it's okay... when you're gone, your legacy will be re-written as well. You may never beat Reagan in the imagineering Dept., but those of us who know you will remember you fondly. Be not depressed.

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You're awfully good for a fellow's ego, man. *offers a very sincere pony hug*

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Also, health.

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That one's easy. If she wasn't willing to accept all the consequences of having sex (whatever they may be), she shouldn't have had sex.

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The pogo stick thing might be far too enjoyable for them.

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{Joseph Heller shakes head in admiration.}

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I don't think the belief-imposing is the primary reason for their actions. Every aspect of healthcare makes fucktons of money, and nonprofit hospitals, while making that metric fuckton of bucks, doesn't have to pay taxes. It makes for very lavish administrator and board of director salaries.

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Trust me, there's profit. Shitloads of it with the $40.00 Tylenol caplets.

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How far are we going to take this religious bullshit in medicine? You haven't "qualified" for an abortion? Death is the qualification? What's next for religious freedom in medicine? Refusing to treat people with STD's? Not treating people of non-xtian faiths?

Don't call yourself a hospital, call yourself "A Place That Gives Medical Care As Long As It Is Something We Like." or APTGMCALAIISDL. Rename the Emergency Room the Maybe Room. It will still fit on the sign.

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"God dick sucker"? I never heard of that religious sect. Must be a new one started by Pat Robertson.BTW, your post is proof positive that Atheists are smarter than religious fanatics. "Politer" isn't a word.

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Catholic hospitals will perform an abortion to save a woman's life ... if the price is right. It's all about the money. I think churches should take down the giant crucifixes and up a huge dollar sign. Y'know, truth in advertising kind of thing.

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Oh, this old thing? That's just an old oath we had laying around; we hardly ever use it. -American Medical Ass.

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