Young Master Ross Douthat, the New York Times op-ed page's resident Catholic hobbit, has a new book out titled Bad Religion: How We Became a Nation of Heretics , about how screwed we are because of...
The <i>New York</i> article was titled &#039;140 Minutes With Ross Douthat&#039; which must have seemed far, far longer to the interviewer.
Speaking of &quot;Bad Religion,&quot; this book looks quite interesting: &quot; Sword of the Spirit, Shield of Faith: Religion in American War and Diplomacy&quot; by Andrew Preston.
I have not yet read it. I did hear Terry Gross interview the author on &quot;Fresh Air&quot; and it is know on The List.
A willing sexual partner, with or without heaving bosoms spilling from pink pj&#039;s.
Today, of course, that woman looks back on that evening and what she can remember of it and thanks her lucky stars poor Ross couldn&#039;t whip it up.
Let me count the ways...
Nope, don&#039;t have that many digits.
Ooh, I always loved that &#039;Bill the Goatfucker&#039; joke!!
The <i>New York</i> article was titled &#039;140 Minutes With Ross Douthat&#039; which must have seemed far, far longer to the interviewer.
Good thing they cleared up when they did, or Ross might be wearing saffron robes and handing out flowers at JFK.
Some conversion ... if an Episcopalian decides to give the Pope the benefit of the doubt, he becomes your average Catholic.
You know who else was a vegetarian...
Unlike the Anglicans, the R.C. Church has an explanation for his mother&#039;s misery.
Speaking of &quot;Bad Religion,&quot; this book looks quite interesting: &quot; Sword of the Spirit, Shield of Faith: Religion in American War and Diplomacy&quot; by Andrew Preston.
I have not yet read it. I did hear Terry Gross interview the author on &quot;Fresh Air&quot; and it is know on The List.
A willing sexual partner, with or without heaving bosoms spilling from pink pj&#039;s.
Today, of course, that woman looks back on that evening and what she can remember of it and thanks her lucky stars poor Ross couldn&#039;t whip it up.
You&#039;re supposed to give up something you enjoy. Are you following the rules?
When it comes to sexy time, some women are viagra. Then there are Ross Douthat&#039;s dates.