*We have to deal with a mainstream media that's desperate to rehabilitate him.*The media aren’t trying to rehabilitate him. They’re actively empowering him. Unfortunately, the PAB’s poo flinging translates into dollars.

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"we agreed to no conditions"?

So the Trump-friendly audience was a corporate decision

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apparently so

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They rehabbed Nixon, too.

Elder statesman, my ass.

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When you're actively courting the next dictator of the nation to become part of his future propaganda media web, you gotta do what you gotta do

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Once he's back in office, he'll be presidential.

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"Look, democracy may be good for some people, but we need our 24/7 news cycle back like it was under Trump!"

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CNN’s Kaitlan Collins introduced the town hall like it was the beginning of Frankenstein. She promised, “No questions are off the table, and we agreed to no conditions.”

BS. Even Trump said they made an offer he couldn’t refuse. He probably picked Collins because he knew she was right wing leaning politically and he could be seen next to an attractive woman. He likely handpicked the audience and had them coached and paid. Just basic trump voters and right leaning Republicans wouldn’t cheer like that. Not a majority anyway. So “no questions are off the table” wouldn’t matter. It was prescripted from the start. It wasn’t a town hall, it was a meticulously planned infomercial. CNN completely beclowned themselves. Hopefully their ratings are punished for it.

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Can’t count on a balloon boy happening every day

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If you’re still on Twitter, if you visit CNN and the NYT, you’re part of the problem.

As MSM jumps on the fascist band wagon, the list grows longer…

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I’d rather watch that jiffy pop looking balloon careen across the tv every second of the day than ever look at this goon again

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They're just in it for the money.

Everything is nothing more than a fucking scam.Every fucking thing.

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I want fox and cnn off the monopoly gravy train.

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So it was exactly as I predicted it would be. I was kind of hoping to be surprised. But no. CNN can burn in hell.

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The fact that their audience was exclusively right wingers tells you everything you need to know. If no questions were off the table, then they would mix their audience up quite a bit better. Everyone involved in this is pig fucking garbage. I just hope enough Americans can see through this bullshit. This has to end. It just fucking has to end.

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The only consolation I can find it all of this is that unlike other attempts at rehabilitation for Trump or for other RW politicians, this one doesn't seem to be taking all that well. CNN was getting shit before this segment even aired. People are just exhausted. People don't think it's funny anymore. People don't find a compelling anymore. We are just sick and motherfucking tired of this shit. I hope this utterly destroy CNN.

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