Christ that was boring and repugnant last night. I had to step away from the TV when the shooty couple started talking. Also, the production values were so amateurish. The static set. The pretty lady who sang the national anthem had to wait many awkward seconds for her musical cue to finally kick in. And all the times the camera cut to the wrong speaker! I counted 5. Best was Scott Walker, who finished his remarks and thought the camera was off him, but kept talking and sweating. Ha!
It wouldn't be the first time he's done so, either.
It's just that the ideas he brings up are so unsettling that that so-called progressive 30% I'm always going on about would rather look the other way, or pretend he didn't say them or was talking about something else, or go on about how annoyed they feel about "having" to listen to him at all, than actually put together a plan to grapple with the stuff he's raising.
The mustard stain on her top skeered the menacing dark peoples away.
The demoncrats would take away our mustard stains.
How could you even do that in any modern word processor?
Maybe if you are speaking Russian as a first and only language?
So who are the Brown Shirts and who are the Black Shirts?
Why do they actually need a platform? It's not like they really plan on "governing".
AND they're personal injury attorneys.
Fascinating how rather than being the first, Trump is simply the latest Republican to project himself and all his flaws upon his rivals.
(Can't wait to see a book about Lady G! It'll happen eventually...)
Christ that was boring and repugnant last night. I had to step away from the TV when the shooty couple started talking. Also, the production values were so amateurish. The static set. The pretty lady who sang the national anthem had to wait many awkward seconds for her musical cue to finally kick in. And all the times the camera cut to the wrong speaker! I counted 5. Best was Scott Walker, who finished his remarks and thought the camera was off him, but kept talking and sweating. Ha!
not that the GOP is known for thinking shit through but man!
Luckily, Gavin tired of the crazy before Her Looniness started having kids.
Should'a had an even smaller one for Little Marco.
How positively Hitlerian. And I'm glad the Hitler Rule doesn't apply on Wonkette.
It's because Tangerine Idi Amin just makes it up as he goes along.
January 21st, 2021 begins the "Republican Year of the Trump, Who?"
Stop, you're making me want to peep at it now.
Prom flat shoes.
It wouldn't be the first time he's done so, either.
It's just that the ideas he brings up are so unsettling that that so-called progressive 30% I'm always going on about would rather look the other way, or pretend he didn't say them or was talking about something else, or go on about how annoyed they feel about "having" to listen to him at all, than actually put together a plan to grapple with the stuff he's raising.
And that, to quote Natalie Portman even as she was making a mess, is how liberty dies.