Can't let the staff monopolize the dick jokes.

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If these businesses really had strength of conviction, they would simply advertise that they cater to "Bible believing" customers and let the lord provide.

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If I recall correctly, slavery was OK according to the "sincerely held religious beliefs" of many good Southern Christians.

Looks like the GOP really is "taking America back" ... to the 1800s. Perhaps we can turn Mississippi into one huge theme park, along the lines of Colonial Williamsburg. We can call it the "Plantation State" and let the residents live just like it was 1850. (Pretty much what they're doing right now, but with tourists.)

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Shorter Wonkette: "Mississippi is terrible."

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When I was a yoot, there was a military draft except it was called "selective service" because the draft board selected some of us yoots to be in the Army. Anyway, as part of being drafted, you could say you had a sincerely held religious belief against war. That was called being a conscientious objector. The catch was that you had to convince the draft board of your sincerity and that your beliefs truly prevented serving in combat. They were notoriously hard to convince.

These bakers and florists want to be conscientious objectors in the culture war. But there's no draft board to convince; it's more like "self-selective non-service". Those with such sincerely held beliefs should come out and say openly who they will not serve. Even in Mississippi I suspect for every LGBT customer they turn away, they will lose 5, 10 or 20 other patrons. Every customer who asks "do you serve everyone?" will remind those proprietors the cost of discrimination.

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Swan about angrily and write a witty play mocking Mississippi politicians ?

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shit,it would benefit from a visit from those hoarder clean up folks.

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and the competition gets more anti-homophobe customers too.

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This. This is what Arizona realized and I hope it costs the Mississippi "Christians" mightily. Of course they will remain the real vitcims when they lose business.

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Not "upstanding" people...

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Mississippi Spurning.

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The soft tyranny of penis cakes.

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The entire Old South should be.

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What would Tennessee Williams do?

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Mississippi, avert your gays!

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Someone left the cake out in the rain

I don't think that I can take it 'Cause it took so long to bake it And I'll never have that recipe again, oh noooooo

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