I always go with locally-sourced artisanal brimstone. The industrial stuff has an off odor.

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I'm pretty sure the caption photo isn't "Gay Mississippians" as it depicts vertical terrain, which I believe MS doesn't actually possess.

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Why buy the cow when you can get the derp for free?

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Hahaha, it's hilarious that the closest thing to a GOOD NEWS story for Mississippi, is a story where Mississippi is temporarily stopped from being awful.

But congrats to the mothers and the legal team, and best wishes for your family!

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That's the state slogan:

Mississippi: Ignoring Reality for Over 200 Years!™®©

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Well don't put it in the mouth of a Catholic, I have to have some suspension of disbelief!

P.S. Happy writing and cheers!

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Yeah, I can't touch it now or I'll sneeze.

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Wait, there was a deadline?- Gov. Phil Bryant

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Nnnope, doesn't sound familiar.- Southern Baptists

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I actually have a little expertise in this subject since I'm an adoptive parent and still work with the adoption agency we used. gay couples aren't allowed to adopt from almost all other countries, (china even doesn't allow single women with a female roommate to adopt) so gay couples have to adopt domestically. when you adopt from here, it's basically just a contract between a birth mother (please don't say real mother, we hate that) and the adoptive parents, some birth mothers are ok with the gays and some are not (birth mothers are almost always straight and pro life obviously), so the insanely long waitlist for a healthy white baby is that much longer for the gays, so most gay couples we work with choose to do foster adopt, which means you are taking in a kid who has most likely been taken away from their birth parents, who at any time can come knock on your door and say "I've been clean and sober for 2 weeks now and I'm here to take the child that you love away from you so he can go back to the fucked up situation he was in before. oh and the legal system is on my side" many of these kids were abused or born addicted to drugs and the system encourages the birth families to stay involved and have visitation so you're inviting a train wreck in to your family. gay couples who adopt are fucking saints and if these shit for brains rednecks think that jesus wants them to keep kids in orphanages and foster homes instead of loving families, they are in for a big surprise when they get to the pearly gates

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Slightly off topic, but it looks like something good may be happening for the LGBT community in NC too:


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Yeah, about that law... I'm confused about what was defeated and what still stands? Were they trying to expand the original "religious freedom" law or what?

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On the other hand, they still have to live in Mississippi.

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Stunning Asian Babies Are Looking For Older Mississippi Men!

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Brimstone's cheaper from an industrial chemical supplier anyway.

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