This is why we need more women anchors and journalists in general. Tapper is a jackass and lazy. He's very self-promoting and has a pretentious, self-important manner that's annoying.

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I checked out the link for Elee Reeves and she sounds like a decent person. The groups she is part of are public service and don't seem to involve forced anything.

The only fault I can see in her is that she has not poisoned her husband. Yet.

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America...getting dumber every day (as hard as that is to imagine).

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Also too...WTF, Tapper? Surely you knew these abortion bills were gonna come up? You can't be assed to do your homework? Fucking political reporters need to be eliminated as an entire class, all they give a shit about is the damn horse race. Replace them with real reporters who actually know and care about the real world facts these political policies effect. It's a lead-pipe cinch that they'll do a better job on the political aspects than political reporters will do on the actual reality.

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Far more crimes are committed by native-born Americans than by immigrants, so maybe Gov. Reeves should just think of abortions as trans-vaginal immigration control.

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I have worked with a handful (admittedly not a large sample size) of immigrant Russian women and can confirm everything you just stated so well. It looked to me like Russian men were accepting abortion as birth control, they just didn't want to know about it or be part of the discussion. I think they just didn't want to be inconvenienced by thinking about their wives comfort or health.

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Voter suppression is at the top of the list.

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Reporters on the whole seem reluctant to ever call conservative Christians on their mendacity (tempting as it is to ascribe it to ignorance, these people know exactly what they're doing when they craft their forced-birth propaganda.) You'd think the media would be less timid after Trump exposed the religious right for the power-hungry hypocrites they've always been but no, they keep tiptoeing around their "beliefs."

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Too bad Tapper didn't call him out on any of this. He failed us on this interview and more reason to only listen to MSNBC.

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Wow. That's... subtle.

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Sadly, Tapper did not question him on any of this. Just sort of let it hang there, unchallenged.


This kind of journalistic malfeasance makes me so fucking stabby that I could SCREAM!!!!

Fucking Tapper. Not prepared with facts. Not able to push back. Spineless fucking pinhead! GAH!


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And Jake Tapper let it go without a peep.UGH!!

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The biggest pile of bullshit ever made is the "exception for rape and incest." As if that's a thing.

Who even evaluates or decides or figures out that either of those things have actually happened?? Is there a board that certifies it? Is the local sheriff tasked with investigating and issues a "this abortion is OK" pass? Who gets to claim it? Is there an age limit? Is only Todd Aiken's Legitimate Rape™ acceptable, or are "other kinds" going to cut it? Mostly, who gets to prove that the evidence is sufficient to allow this exception? Because YOU KNOW THEY WILL NEED EVIDENCE. You KNOW they never ever will accept "well, the woman says she was raped, so we believe her, and it's all good. ABORTION OK!"

Is any of the kinds of important devil-in-the-details in this bill? NO IT IS NOT, it never is in any of them. They always claim to "make exceptions" but the actual bureaucratic method of how that actually would work, in reality? It's just "exception" words in a subparagraph, meant to make you think that they compromised, that they actually weighed options and thought this through.

It is just another fucking bad-faith set of plausible deniability ass-covering lies from the fucking shitty party of liars that is the GOP.

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Tate Reeves looks like his name should actually be Tater Head. I know that was mean and uncalled for. Guess I'm just sick of stupid-looking people who are actually as stupid as they look.

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A fetus has a 5% chance of survival at 22 weeks. FIVE PERCENT. That's not considered viable because the rate is so low.

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