Yes, he is a traitor, but I'd easily believe that his briefers and/or staffers are so terrified of angering him with intel on Daddy Putin that they kept it from him.

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A couple of Ole Miss-related items:

1. Hogan Gidley graduated from Ole Miss, so I apologize on behalf of the university for that2. I predict that at some point there will be a movement to have Ole Miss remove the name "Rebels" from its sports teams. And they will do it.

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So glad the South is abandoning the treason flag.

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The Canucks can keep all the Yukon Jack. That stuff is nasty!

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Oh, excuuuuuuuse me!

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3) Profit! Bigly.

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Their mascot went from "Colonel Rebel" in his planter's outfit to a guy in a Mississippi Black Bear suit.

I do feel sorry for the guy in the mascot outfit when the temperature soars down there, though.

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Glad to see the "Lost Cause" lose again.

Here's an idea for a new flag: When New Zealanders were offered a choice of new flags in a referendum some years ago, this was one of the choices submitted. Needless to say, it lost to the flag New Zealanders have been proudly flying since 1840. Mississippi should try a variation of this. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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I was so sad when you guys didn't take that option up

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Oooh let's do it!

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now i have a plan for the 4th. Find that MST3K episode!!!

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Now we've got Tony the Land Shark. And before you say, "Tony? Who names a Land Shark 'Tony?'" like I did, here's an awesome story explaining why he's named "Tony":


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Well, in the United States, I'm a Democrat and liberal. In New Zealand and the UK, I practice "Tory Democracy," as Lord Randolph Churchill called it. Jeremy Corbyn is an anti-Semitic nutter in the UK, and I'm a member of the Papanui branch of the Royal Returned Services Association in New Zealand. So I support the monarchy in both countries, to boot.

But I do like the flag as a form of entertainment and lightness.

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I see you post on Breitbart as well...is that to troll them?

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I've never posted on Breitbart. Is there someone with that name on that site? Where do I go to look?

I got this name from this meme, so it's certainly possible someone else had the same idea:


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