I was a little kid, so what did I know?

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The covers are pure comedy gold!

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What's with all the Amish girls on the covers???

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Mine, too. And my school library. I read books that no one assigned to me and had a blast! Now I'm a librarian.

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Wouldn't it be nice if state politicians dealt with issues relevant to their state and not the rest of the world?

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My parents had two comedy albums by Brother Dave Gardner, one of which was called "Kick Thine Own Self". My dad was a deacon in the Baptist church at the time. The guy was pretty funny.

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At least twenty. I mean, if he paid for them, which he didn't.

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That's what they want. Bibles and Christian fiction like Left Behind or a bunch of bonnet rippers. And if he read the bonnet rippers, he'd want those gone, too. How's a good Christian woman supposed to get the vapors??

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The reason that Capt Underpants is banned is because of his attitude toward adults in leadership positions. Got to start them early!

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Dude so concerned about sex offenders being near kids, he ought to outlaw Republicans from schools, and Priests from anywhere public.

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Libraries already have "review boards". They're called librarians. We curate collections, we do not just willy nilly order stuff.

Well, I do sometimes.

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He finds the word titillating to be titillating.

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I dunno much about Captain Underpants, except they were my youngest's spark book, and after reading all he could find, moved on to other lit.So I will, for one, forever be grateful for Captain Underpants. Before that time, Jr had no interest in anything that lacked full page color glossies. Thank you, Dav Pilkey.

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Also, these jackasses ALWAYS say people are "threatening" them. But since most the flying monkey brigade BS comes from the right, I say it is time we start demanding proof of that claim.

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The NBC piece said the library in St Louis (or was it Kansas City? too lazy to look) had held 'em, with the mandatory protests by a couple dozen jerks worried that it was a Gateway to evil. Sodom on the Mississippi.

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Like most red-blooded patriots, I picked it up from Col. Bat Guano, played by Keenan Wynne:


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