The wand should be used for a rectal exam. Sure, I know it's not necessary, but I just like the way "rectal exam" sounds. That reasoning seems as logical as making women undergo unnecessary medical procedures to get an abortion.

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She's my new hero. Also, the Democrats need more legislators like her, rather than the spiny jellyfish we have now.

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You read the comments on the St Louis Magazine piece too, huh?

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Where does the wand go?Do you have to ask?

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Why, God? Why? Why is there just NO solution to gun violence?

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and THAT is why Wonket doesn't allow comments...

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No, but I'm sure they're giving Yahoo! a run for the money.

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That isn't a cork, it's a butt plug.

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There is a problem with that. Most of them enjoy anal penetration, and that takes the fun out of it for us.

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I've actually wondered why anti-gun people don't do this. They could stand outside every gun shop and take pictures of everyone going in and their car plates, then publish the names of gun buyers on the Internet. Our local pro-life group wanted to do this with women who go into our Planned Parenthood clinic.

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Because America has a 500-year history of violence. It's built into our culture. Europeans came here and basically shot anyone who got in their way. The most popular TV shows of my youth were Bonanza, The Rifleman, Daniel Boone, Davy Crockett, and Gunsmoke, in which shooting people was a major plot point. The only game my older brother would play with me was Cowboys and Indians, and I always had to be the Indian and get killed. My parents saw nothing wrong with this.

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There was a gun shop near where I work that was subjected to that kind of treatment and they did close!

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Wonkette, also, too.

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Is that the one where he ends up in some California prison, for a crime committed in Nevada? Isn't that some sort of Mann Act violation?

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We have a gun shop next to the Peet's parking lot. It also has a giant revolver on a pole that seems to act as some sort of weather vane.

Oddly, it's not far from our Planned Parenthood.

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