Missouri's ultimate goal is to bring back indentured servitude.

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Except that when California wants to have regulations Arkansas wingnuts try to ban California wine.

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Here in Missouri, my uncle Jed, before he went and got rich, would let his roadkill soften up in street for a while before he could eat.

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but the pugs want to ban wind power because windmills kill beeelllllliooonnnnnns of birds every second . . . and that makes some koch somewhere very sad.

[the windmills, not the dead birds]

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If republicans survive till 2020 they'll be voting to allow indentured servitude, call it an American responsibility and pride bill, another 6 years and outright slavery though they'll likely call it a job security bill.

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Governing by spite. Awesome tactic. Fucking fascists. Is that a haiku?

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I think there is; it's a petroleum based product after all. I love seeing shredded goddamn plastic bags stuck in trees.

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my amazement is reserved for those who think they'll lose revenue on the plastic bags issue.

solution: ban both paper and one-use plastic bags . . . stores don't have to provide either so save money . . . stores can sell heavy-duty reusable woven plastic bags to people at a profit so making money.

[and the multi-use bags have much more comfortable handles!]

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urban tumbleweeds.

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if they could do that they would ban all bags for the poors . . . "here ya go . . . hope you can juggle"

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debtors prisons first . . . it'll make indenture look good when they pass it.

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I'm just going to leave this here... ;)https://youtu.be/e5iACzPvf1o

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so, you're saying that all those civilized countries out there should watch their step?

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Half of what Jefferson City does is a response to Columbia's mild transgressions against right wing doctrine. They once pulled state athletic championships from Columbia because we voted to make possession of marijuana a municipal offense. The other half of what they do is to find news methods for shitting down the throats of the blacks, while being clueless to the fact that they are hurting their less-melaninly gifted constituents just as much if not worse.

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It's called "states' rights" because the state decides what's right... for everybody.

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