I like how the local station calls its broadcast "Heartland News," as if every other local channel in the area is broadcast from the east coast.

Sorry, every other comment I could think of had already been made.

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The primer colored Monte Carlo in the background is a nice touch.

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""Said they want to shake my hand. They said they're glad to see a little white pride is still left in this country"

You miserable shitheel...you gutless fucktard. White pride? Why don't you do something useful with your life...invent something that will improve the lives of everyone? Maybe get a job? Hell...at the very least, kill yourself.

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you just know he couldn't figure out how to get a round kkk ghost body.

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Clearly, the man gave a lot of thought to how to use his freedom of expression to show white pride. And this is the best he could come up with. Plus fly the Confederate flag and wear his CSA cap.

But ... it is protected speech. Mr Hoskins can get the ACLU to represent him. I'm sure he's a longtime admirer of their work and will welcome the support.

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Rational people are able to be proud of their ethnic heritage without demeaning others. Irish, Chinese, Jewish, Italian ... those "prides" co-exist with acceptance and respect for others.

For the non-rational people, it's a different story. They have only their guns and bible to cling to. Also their Confederate flag. And off-roader 4x4. And pudding cup beard.

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Nothing like a lynching to illustrate the power of the white man.

I mean the power of the ignorance of the white man.

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