I have a friend who is into this. She has some pretty gnarly autoimmune shit going on, and a tendency to think all medications are bad. She does, however, allow me to be her voice of reason and devils advocate for not treating serious autoimmune disease with nuts and gum, and in exchange all she asks is that I periodically listen to her wax rhapsodic about kombucha.
Kind of funny how this is being framed as an opportunity to bring more doctors to rural areas. Not a terrible idea, since it's obvious that people who are wealthy enough to pay their way through medical school are also uppity enough to refuse a job in a rural area. We ain't got no Starbucks, no BMW dealership, no private schools to send their kids to, and the golf course greens tend to have brown patches.
This is why you have a system like the one my brother was in for his vet schooling -- you subsidize their training in exchange for a two (or three, or whatever) year commitment to practice in a particular geographic area that needs them.
We even have a vet shortage. Young doctors are already allowed to practice here straight out of med school without completing a residency. There are various programs, both state and federal, to encourage physicians to set up shop in rural areas, but it's not enough. Unfortunately there's a nationwide shortage of doctors to begin with. Free or cheap higher education should be part of the solution, but that would be unAmerican.
My main criticism is that you conflate homeopathy with naturopathy. They are not the same. Among the practitioners of both there exists a whole spectrum of treatments... some of which are very woo-woo, and some that are effective. I think these practices exist because regular MDs tend not to be concerned with nutrition, or herbal remedies. There is a massive constellation of herbal treatments with which the American medical community would do well to become more familiar.
Except even the supplement industry which (much of manufacturing is based in Utah), have given huge bribes to Orin Hatch, back when so they are 'self-regulating'. The NYAG tested many supplements on shelves in stores, and most did not even contain the dna of the plants they claim to be. They were mostly rice powder in gelcaps.
"Four major retailers including Wal-Mart, Target, GNC and Walgreens are accused of selling mislabeled herbal supplements in New York. DNA tests by the state attorney general's office found that some store brand supplements do not contain the ingredients as advertised."
If you go back into the late 1800s through around the 1940s herbs were used a lot. Medicines made from plants were even used by Medical doctors. There was a drug called Digitalis, a heart medication that was made from Foxglove. Many medications have started from plants and then pharmaceutical companies came up with chemicals to replace the plants. Dr John Christopher was a well known Naturopathic Doctor in the 1940s and 1950s. He was placed in jail several times for prescribing herbs to his patients but was freed each time as his patients testified that his herbs cured their ailments. That being said, medications were questionable at the time and many were made with dangerous chemicals. I worked in the healthcare profession for years and I still read medical journals and articles. They have started doing research on Parkinson patients and marijuana. They found that many patients had their tremors decreased or stopped when they did marijuana. They also found some patients with epilepsy had their seizures reduced both in severity and frequency with marijuana. I have read quite a bit about herbs out of curiosity and feel they do have a place in medicine at times but need to be under the supervision of a medical physician as some of them are very dangerous. There is a great mistrust of doctors from people on the right and believe natural remedies are the only way to treat illnesses which can be very dangerous in the wrong hands.
There is a meme going around that says: "The evangelical parents in my school wouldn't let their kids read Harry Potter. Now those kids are grown up and they are the ones who believe that essential oils cure measles. Who's going to potions class now, Gracelynn?"
I know, I know, people will not like me for this, but the dumb be the dumb. And I know when I'm thinking more clearly I will not support what I just typed, because I am a nice smart person. However, today is my birthday and I would love to receive some more amethysts. It might heal something.
THE highlight of Zappa's 1974 release "Apostrophe," the follow-up to '73's "Over-nite Sensation," which 50 years later is still one of the greatest rock 'n' roll albums ever made.
And I'm guessing that anyone who finds the lyrics to THIS tune offensive has never heard "Dinah-Moe Humm."
Homeopaths are the sugar (or compressed cornstarch) ones. Naturopaths are the blow up balloons in your sinus cavity, prescribe tons of supplements, and forbid any sugar wheat or dairy ones. Chelation also too - which is great if you have heavy metal poisoning, but otherwise risky and useless.
I was having bad side effects from my chemotherapy. My doctor said we couldn't reduce the dose to homoeopathic proportions, even though it would be more efficient. When I asked what he meant, he said it uses less medicine and leaves less patients.
Most of the water my region gets is in the form of precipitation, brought by evaporation of ocean water. Does it retain the memory of whale shit? or decomposing plant and sea creatures? If so, my allergy to fish would surely be trying to kill me!
And let me tell you about my friend X. He has phds in music education and romantic era performance practice. He WAS the conductor of a regional orchestra in the Philippines. He had some CDs and an internet following
He was diagnosed with some form of spinal degeneration (I don't know the details because I have always been too polite to pry). He had an operation (ten years ago). As he put it to me "The operation was not a success. They removed my neck (bones I guess - he sent me an XRAY - the neck was replaced by a metal contraption). Now there is nothing they can do . The pain is indescribable. I am going to have to live this way for the rest of my life."
So he is on disability (a pithance, but something). For the last 10 years he has keep it all together with physical therapy, the maligned hydrotherapy, and the maligned accupunture (he is in LA so that is with people 'trained in China' - which I guess is important)
So I don't know. I am not quick to tell him that he is mistaken because blah blah and this and this and western medicine is all 'science'. I used to work at Harvard Medican School and I can say that the amount 'science' for at least a few of the procedures I know about - is - probably - I don't know - the best anyone can do within reason. Maybe that's all you can ask
Schorer and Richey are two of the biggest idiots in our current lege. Seen on the street, you'd hide your children from these people.
If naturopathic, homeopathic, or alternative "medicine" were proven to work, it would simply be called medicine.
I have a friend who is into this. She has some pretty gnarly autoimmune shit going on, and a tendency to think all medications are bad. She does, however, allow me to be her voice of reason and devils advocate for not treating serious autoimmune disease with nuts and gum, and in exchange all she asks is that I periodically listen to her wax rhapsodic about kombucha.
I consider it a fair trade.
Kind of funny how this is being framed as an opportunity to bring more doctors to rural areas. Not a terrible idea, since it's obvious that people who are wealthy enough to pay their way through medical school are also uppity enough to refuse a job in a rural area. We ain't got no Starbucks, no BMW dealership, no private schools to send their kids to, and the golf course greens tend to have brown patches.
This is why you have a system like the one my brother was in for his vet schooling -- you subsidize their training in exchange for a two (or three, or whatever) year commitment to practice in a particular geographic area that needs them.
We even have a vet shortage. Young doctors are already allowed to practice here straight out of med school without completing a residency. There are various programs, both state and federal, to encourage physicians to set up shop in rural areas, but it's not enough. Unfortunately there's a nationwide shortage of doctors to begin with. Free or cheap higher education should be part of the solution, but that would be unAmerican.
it's nice to know there are still people who remember Theodoric!
My main criticism is that you conflate homeopathy with naturopathy. They are not the same. Among the practitioners of both there exists a whole spectrum of treatments... some of which are very woo-woo, and some that are effective. I think these practices exist because regular MDs tend not to be concerned with nutrition, or herbal remedies. There is a massive constellation of herbal treatments with which the American medical community would do well to become more familiar.
Except even the supplement industry which (much of manufacturing is based in Utah), have given huge bribes to Orin Hatch, back when so they are 'self-regulating'. The NYAG tested many supplements on shelves in stores, and most did not even contain the dna of the plants they claim to be. They were mostly rice powder in gelcaps.
"Four major retailers including Wal-Mart, Target, GNC and Walgreens are accused of selling mislabeled herbal supplements in New York. DNA tests by the state attorney general's office found that some store brand supplements do not contain the ingredients as advertised."
If you go back into the late 1800s through around the 1940s herbs were used a lot. Medicines made from plants were even used by Medical doctors. There was a drug called Digitalis, a heart medication that was made from Foxglove. Many medications have started from plants and then pharmaceutical companies came up with chemicals to replace the plants. Dr John Christopher was a well known Naturopathic Doctor in the 1940s and 1950s. He was placed in jail several times for prescribing herbs to his patients but was freed each time as his patients testified that his herbs cured their ailments. That being said, medications were questionable at the time and many were made with dangerous chemicals. I worked in the healthcare profession for years and I still read medical journals and articles. They have started doing research on Parkinson patients and marijuana. They found that many patients had their tremors decreased or stopped when they did marijuana. They also found some patients with epilepsy had their seizures reduced both in severity and frequency with marijuana. I have read quite a bit about herbs out of curiosity and feel they do have a place in medicine at times but need to be under the supervision of a medical physician as some of them are very dangerous. There is a great mistrust of doctors from people on the right and believe natural remedies are the only way to treat illnesses which can be very dangerous in the wrong hands.
MDs don’t have all the answers.
But from 1840-1940 the lifespan was closer to 50 than 80.
Letting poorly educated people write prescriptions can be very dangerous to patients and to society at large.
There is a meme going around that says: "The evangelical parents in my school wouldn't let their kids read Harry Potter. Now those kids are grown up and they are the ones who believe that essential oils cure measles. Who's going to potions class now, Gracelynn?"
I know, I know, people will not like me for this, but the dumb be the dumb. And I know when I'm thinking more clearly I will not support what I just typed, because I am a nice smart person. However, today is my birthday and I would love to receive some more amethysts. It might heal something.
Happy Birthday!
🎶 I told her that I was a flop with chics
I've been this way since 1956
She looked at my palm and she made a magic sign
She said "What you need is Love Potion Number Nine"
She bent down and turned around and gave me a wink
She said "I'm gonna make it up right here in the sink"
It smelled like turpentine, it looked like Indian ink
I held my nose, I closed my eyes, I took a drink 🎶
oh, the Searchers! Pins and Needles was their best (and not even OT!)
The mystery man got nervous and he fidget around a bit
He reached in the pocket of his mystery robe
And he whipped out a shaving kit
Now I thought it was a razor
And a can of foaming goo
But he told me right then when the top popped open
There was nothin' his box won't do
With the oil of aphrodite, and the dust of the grand wazoo
He said you might not believe this, little fella
But it'll cure your asthma too
And I said look here brother
Who you jiving with that cosmik debris?
Now what kind of a guru are you, anyway?
Look here brother, don't waste your time on me
(Frank Zappa: Cozmik Debris)
"But I got the crystal ball!" he said, and held it to the light
So I snatched it all away from him ,and I showed him how to do it right
THE highlight of Zappa's 1974 release "Apostrophe," the follow-up to '73's "Over-nite Sensation," which 50 years later is still one of the greatest rock 'n' roll albums ever made.
And I'm guessing that anyone who finds the lyrics to THIS tune offensive has never heard "Dinah-Moe Humm."
Or much of Joe's Garage...
Homeopaths are the sugar (or compressed cornstarch) ones. Naturopaths are the blow up balloons in your sinus cavity, prescribe tons of supplements, and forbid any sugar wheat or dairy ones. Chelation also too - which is great if you have heavy metal poisoning, but otherwise risky and useless.
I was having bad side effects from my chemotherapy. My doctor said we couldn't reduce the dose to homoeopathic proportions, even though it would be more efficient. When I asked what he meant, he said it uses less medicine and leaves less patients.
Witch Doctor
Most of the water my region gets is in the form of precipitation, brought by evaporation of ocean water. Does it retain the memory of whale shit? or decomposing plant and sea creatures? If so, my allergy to fish would surely be trying to kill me!
And let me tell you about my friend X. He has phds in music education and romantic era performance practice. He WAS the conductor of a regional orchestra in the Philippines. He had some CDs and an internet following
He was diagnosed with some form of spinal degeneration (I don't know the details because I have always been too polite to pry). He had an operation (ten years ago). As he put it to me "The operation was not a success. They removed my neck (bones I guess - he sent me an XRAY - the neck was replaced by a metal contraption). Now there is nothing they can do . The pain is indescribable. I am going to have to live this way for the rest of my life."
So he is on disability (a pithance, but something). For the last 10 years he has keep it all together with physical therapy, the maligned hydrotherapy, and the maligned accupunture (he is in LA so that is with people 'trained in China' - which I guess is important)
So I don't know. I am not quick to tell him that he is mistaken because blah blah and this and this and western medicine is all 'science'. I used to work at Harvard Medican School and I can say that the amount 'science' for at least a few of the procedures I know about - is - probably - I don't know - the best anyone can do within reason. Maybe that's all you can ask
Always on point:
Mitchell & Webb: Homeopathic A&E