This is along the lines I was thinking.

What do you want to bet that if his fellow Shitmuffin Contenders actually do take him up on it, and want to see the form, it will turn out that it wasn't exactly a form approving the vasectomy, so much. Eventually he'll produce an anniversary card where his wife wrote "If you knock up any of those slutty interns, I WILL CUT YOUR BALLS OFF, Love you!"

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Wow, control efforts are getting dumber and more transparent every day. And yet they are still being eaten up by some people...

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Is the bill titled "Chattel Permission Slip Bill of 2015?"

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<i>Brattin adds that he is not using the term “legitimate rape” in the same way as former Rep. Todd Akin (R-Mo.)...</i> Oh, great, multiple definitions for a term that never should have existed in the first place.

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That would require the signatures of at least 2/3 of the potential fathers.

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Premarital virginity tests can't be too far behind.

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I will sign the consent form of any lady who will say she had sex with me.

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Can't wait till the just roll back women's right to vote, can't be that far behind. And maybe he should just repeal the fictional law requiring his wife's permission. Too logical I'm guessing.

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Rape used to be so simple: she said no, he said yes, she said no again, he said drink this and ... ... it's rape. Now thankfully, we have the new bright young GOP minds to break down the many subtle levels of rape. There's real rape which apparently requires a woman to fight almost to the death before the rape actually commences, although there are extra points awarded for dying. There's mutual rape, where she says no, but really means yes so that's just as unfair to the guy as well. Then there is the "no-rape" where, yes, the guy forced himself on her in a rapey fashion, but she was dressed like a slut so how can you call that real rape? So with all of this rape confusion, how can you possibly allow for a simple rape exception to abortion?

That would be their argument and with that being said, this guy is a fuckwit!

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I suspect the ulterior motive is to impose so much delay that the pregnancy would advance past the deadline for termination.

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