Little Johnny will regret forgetting to take his Ritalin for the last time.

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This is good news for the pillbox and sandbag industry!

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None that wants to remain in business. My former employer asked and our insurance was like "Not only no, but *hell* no!" And this was in a deep red conservative county where until a few years ago students still had their hunting rifles in the back of their pickup truck.

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Even police and military have to constantly train to *stay* Combat Accurate. I suppose the teacher will have to pay out of pocket to stay sharp on the firing range?

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Well, they'll have lots of buses handy to throw the "careless" teacher under!

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I too am in the trenches, for another 2 years. Several years ago we had a very sweet but very incapable older teacher on staff, who was complaining that whenever she turned to write on the board, mayhem ensued. "Oh for heaven's sake" I said. "never turn your back on them. I use an overhead." She thought that was a great idea, got an overhead projector, and then really major shit went down when SHE LEFT THE ROOM TO RINSE OFF SOME OVERHEADS. Some people just shouldn't be teachers.

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Todd Akin home-schooling libel!!!!!!

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The thing is, there were "air marshals" well before 9/11. They were deployed to stop the spate of hijackings-for-ransom in the 70's -- some political, some not (remember D.B. Cooper?) They actually had some success, as I recall, at least in deterring copycats.

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So, a weird academic love triangle, then?

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Have you patented your Claymore PlayDoor line of school munitions yet? Because that is a great idea (to make money on paranoid loons who don't really think things through)

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This is the new stance that distinguishes us good guys with guns. It's like a secret handshake. So if you see someone standing like this during your average school mass-shooting event, don't shoot them!!

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I have a far better idea: Move all classrooms to firing ranges! There are armed people there at all times. Bonus: teachers can just pop off a few rounds in between periods to keep their shooting skills in top shape, you can put maps and other diagrams on those motorized target holders, and those pop up targets things can double as flashcards. Learning and safety will skyrocket simultaneously!

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Kittens wouldn't hurt either, especially as one reads on and follows some of the links.

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Let's see,

- $17, 500 to train two school staff to be members of the SWAT Auxiliary - $1000 <i>per student</i> for <strike>bulletproof</strike> puncture-resistant sleeping mats

Yup, school district budgets all over the country are just bursting with unspent money, so they can easily cover that.

And if not then just eliminate school libraries, which are all stocked full of leftist commie propaganda and pornography anyway, and there's your funding.

After all, we have to think of the children, and remember what's important -- <strike> student safety</strike> private security industry profits.

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It's OK, the student will just need to duck behind his or her <a href="http:\/\/wonkette.com\/551236\/new-bulletproof-blanket-for-the-kids-is-only-45ths-as-terrible-an-idea-as-it-sounds" target="_blank">sleeping mat.</a>

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AMA will now group Erectile Dysfunction, Latent Homosexuality & Micropenis under a single medical term, Open Carry Texas.

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