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Erections have consequences.

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Thanks. I could not figure from all the people with opinions who were blathering on Twitter if this was a good thing or a bad thing. It seemed like a good thing to me.

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How about just holding a vote to ignore the filibuster just this once and pass [thing]?

Or, a rule that says the filibuster still exists, but only for Republican bills (since they like it so much)?

Either of those would work πŸ™‚

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Regarding the filibuster, why can't the rules be changed back such that the floor must be held by anyone who uses it and they must continue to speak while they hold the floor all "Mr Smith Goes To Washington" style? I want to watch McConnell stand there reading books for days on end to an empty chamber...when he collapses from exhaustion, everybody else files in and votes. Better believe they might think twice about filibustering everything it if they had to actually put some effort in to do it.

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Apparently Dems are going to have to pry the power out of MoscowMitch's cold, dead hands. And it appears that rigor mortis set in a long time ago and won't be letting up anytime soon.

This is speculation, but if some Repub Senators want to preserve the filibuster then they may need to show that they will vote against the more ridiculous filibusters. If they try to filibuster everything then the Dems should change their minds.

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They can vote to stop a filibuster, but it takes 60 votes.

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