maybe she'd even be willing to admit she voted for Obama by the final four

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" I seriously doubt that the average conservative knows what the fucking point is"


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I suggest a Base 10 Log factor. So Gohmert x 10^3 means his statement is 1,000 times stupider when measured by a Wonketter with more than 70P points.

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"For everybody who thinks, I can find somebody who thinks Faux is news."

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I'll play.

"For everybody who thinks clear rational thoughts, I can find somebody who watches FOX News."

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Jesus divvied up the fishes and loaves to feed a small portion of each to the multitudes, but first he marked up the unit price to reflect the convenience charge for single serving packaging

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The Gohmert is my measure of choice. For instance: "Getting that tattoo while i was drunk - man, that was a Gohmert!" "Yeah, and getting Honey spelled Homey - that was a Gohmertillion!"

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McConnell will be one of those, along with Faux "News", St Ronald of Reagan, Karl Rove, and Rump Limpballs, mentioned prominently in the textbooks of whatever civilization comes after us, assuming they are capable of creating textbooks.

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Maybe science is like the Bible for most of us. Just pick out the parts you like, and ignore the rest.

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Guess the checks from BP and Chevron cleared.

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they're suing

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Babies are conceived when one gamete unites with another gamete to form a zygote ... the female body has a way to shut that whole thing down.

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