Are you... are you SURE you want your corpse to be violated by a turtle-looking man from Kentucky?

Because that is what will happen, you know.

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Your mouth, His ears. And our votes.

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He's got to convince Florida voters that he actually wants to keep his job now.

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Yeah, that's... not actually where it comes from... Art. 1 Sect. 1 says (in its entirety) "All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives."

Cloture comes from Rule 22 of the Senate and was adopted in 1919.

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The Peter Principle.

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Well, see, they were ok with it until the NRA noticed and sent out a memo that said "no way, no how". So that put the kibosh on that.

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Rat Fucker!

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Better friend to children than the gun-fondlers could ever hope to be.

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There was a story in the local news this morning about a guy here in Austin that was arrested for beating a turtle to death with a hammer. No one could say why he did it. Now I know.

With votes. Do I have to say with votes for that one?

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Hey!- Wayne LaPierre

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I think you forgot rock salt.

...and Pearl Lite. That shit is awful.

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Anyone know what percentage it took to get that disaster even on the ballot? It couldn't have been more than whatever "just enough" was.

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Because over 60% of the time it's 'holi-'day.

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Don't forget the House and SCOTUS. They are drowning government in a bathtub so corporations can take over in full.

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Sorry Dok, didn't read. It involves the Senator Turtle, so it is likely chock full of smug republican dickbaggery. Thanks for the effort, I just can't read anymore about this obstructive putrid turd this week.

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In a meat grinder bed. With votes.

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