Crick and Watson?

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Author Ben Carson?

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Hey, Dok--your alt text on Yertle's photo is actually pretty spot on, considering that that earworm of a song was written to be a catchy pop tune with the underlying message that everything is <i>not</i> actually awesome.

Fer f*ck's sake, the first actual verse starts off with a guy being stupidly optimistic about losing his job--that is not awesome.

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Well, yeah...

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Pretty much all I have to say* is "thank fuck for Medicare".

*This is a lie. I will say other things.

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Then can you tell me what the fuck a subtweet is?

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I'm gonna guess it's the opposite of a domtweet

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I remember watching the Reds' on Opening Day when Lee May was playing first base and he took a line drive to the nutz.

It's wasn't pretty.

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This really isn't a surprise, is it? The right wing noise machine stopped running Ebola scare stories immediately after the election. Their job was done.

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Thomas Edison?

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Wibbly-wobbley timey wimey stuff, eh Mitch?

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"You really got to hand it to President Harding for ending World War I!" -Mitch McConnell

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I'll have to write McConnell a thank you note. Because my 401k grew (a lot) in the past few years and I can now get health insurance, I was able to retire a couple years early.

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Remember, this is the same sort of piss poor critical thinking skills that allowed the GOP rank and file to convince themselves that the Dems being sworn in as the majority party in January of 2007 was the root cause of the recession that started several months later in Q4 of 2007. Nothing that happened from 2001 until 2007 had any effect upon the economy, it was the Dems taking office that caused the economy to crash out of the blue (plus, ACORN somehow manging to arm twist reluctant bankers to give free money to the poorz, based upon the 30 year old CRA). Yes, they really are that stupid. Yes, they will fall for this same bullshit again. There is nothing more important in the life of a movement conservative than epistemic closure and the confirmation bias of having your tribal groupthink validated. Facts not only have a liberal bias, they are to be avoided at all costs...

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I was watching the tv news this morning (something I generally try to avoid) and a local station ran a story about a man in St. Petersburg, Florida, who threw a 5-year-old girl off a bridge. Now, obviously that was a terrible thing to do. But why is a Northern California tv station running a story about it? Am I supposed to keep an eye out for her? Not do it myself? What was the point? There wasn't even any video - just a shot of a bridge at night.

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¹ All Of Them² Kirby


² The lawsuits, that is. GAVELTOV!

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