See, here's the thing.

We over here at the Marla Home of Punditry believe that Mitch McChinless is stepping down because he believes that, come November, the 'Pubblies will still be in the minority in the Senate and he simply doesn't want to be the Minority Leader for another two years. Being second is just no fun, y'all!

Seriously, if there's one thing that McConnell is good at, it's reading tea leaves. He apparently believes that the Rs, their lip-flapping to the contrary, will not be able to regain their majority in the Senate.

I fervently hope that he's correct.

And one other thing.

Speaking of Senators from Kentucky, as I was.

Guess who RFK, Jr. has endorsed for the post of Minority Leader of the Senate? Why, none other than Rand Paul. Hee.

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weak and ineffective leader Mike Johnson was too busy sitting on his thumbs

Is there a tattletale app for that?

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Funny how I've yet to see a single commentary pointing out that Moscow Mitch is, in fact, not only Old, but even more ancient than OHJB. True story.

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Tuck your head into your shell one last time, Mitch.

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key to his legacy my eye. Fucker is trying to duck the inevitable when it comes out that AL plant he championed and got sanctions lifted in order to get is directly tied to pooty or something. Maybe a modicum of conscience, perhaps shame, more likely something legal you can seize his bank accounts for.

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Who, and I'm serious when I ask,who the hell touched up the photo of Mitch and reasonably expects ANYONE to believe it's current? Mitch, if you were serious about stepping down (please God), do. It. NOW! SAVE THE REPUBLIC!

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Ta, Evan. I'd like to see Johnson condemned to the hell in which he purports to believe, along with all the fucking RWNJ traitors.

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There are some things that make me want to puke if I see them.

There are some things that make me want to puke if I smell them.

There are some things that make me want to puke if I both see and smell them.

And then there is Mike Johnson. All I have to do is read about him.

And then I puke.

Thanks Mike! Thanks for all the puke.

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"John Thune of South Dakota, John Cornyn of Texas, and John Barrasso of Wyoming."

What about John Bigbootie?

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there should have been a sequel.

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President Biden: LEND-LEASE! LEND-LEASE! It worked for Roosevelt. Invoke Franklin Roosevelt standing up to the Nazis and start "loaning" those artillery shells to Ukraine.

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An oldie and a goodie.

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“ it’s likely to be a fight between John Thune of South Dakota, John Cornyn of Texas, and John Barrasso of Wyoming. Who will win? John will win”

My money’s on the rich white guy that is bankrolled by the Koch Brothers so yes

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Next we will hear of MTG replacing him, or Mike Johnson.

You can always expect the next guy that comes into be much worse than the last in the FarQMAGA party.

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This was the major tr0ll argument I was seeing this morning on an article about this. Including one that claimed if he'd stepped down ten years ago, he would've been replaced by some MAGAt and then where would we be now, huh, huh. Ignoring that ten years ago MAGA wasn't even quite A Thing, yet.

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I think McConnell is stepping down so he can help choose his successor before he drops dead.

As for the Johns, they're basically clones, and all they have to do is vote no most of the time when they're in the minority, so which John it is won't make much of a difference.

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A “negotiated settlement” just means Putin will have time to consolidate control over the territory he currently holds and entrench his forces there as they prepare to take the rest of Ukraine in the next wave.

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Mitch will be retiring to the cocaine shipping boat Mrs. McConnell's family owns.

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The fleet. The fleet of PANAMAX bulk cocaine carriers his wife owns.

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So Republicans are still screwing everyone in sight. SSDD. But Moscow Mitch will stop driving his wide-gauge train. Oh joy. ... Translation - He can go fuck himself. He's fucked us long enough, and I expect NObody else wants to fuck him. The unending and unmitigated damage he's done. I suppose I should be politic here, and say who gives a shit if he lives or dies tomorrow.

In waiting: "Here lies the undertaker of democracy."

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I hate agreeing with McTurtle about anything, but he's right about Ukraine. Still, he can fuck all the way off. I am not ever forgetting him holding up Garland's nomination because Black Presidents are not allowed to appoint people, as well as backing Kegstand and shooing in that creepy cultist ACB at record speed.

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Yes, he's right on Ukraine. But only after Mitch helped give away the store to Russia, for ... POWER!!!

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Punting on PAB's impeachment still sux.

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