I think a new AG looking into that steel mill in Kentucky and his wife's connections with China and her dealings might just be the ticket to that.

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> [The Commenting Rules remain in place, so you Terrible Ones will not be fantasizing in the comments about more extreme possibilities, you ghouls.]

Not even if it involves people getting coronavirus due to their complete own idiocy in standing close to and shaking hands with people who have been close to the super-spreader-in-chief with nobody involved in that exchange wearing masks or anything? Cause that honestly seems like a very real possibility at this point.

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I just translated that as "fantasize in your head, not in the comments..."

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Amen and get Biden a new pen because he should be writing a lot of EOs just like Trump. We know Mitch will continue to be the grime reaper and doesn't give a damn if he destroys the country, so don't play his game.

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The House has 2 year terms. The Senate is 6.

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No. They do not get to change the rules every time they are losing.

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(Harvey Korman voice) "Kinky!"

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from your lips to God's ear

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Amazing what air-brushing the face can do .

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Through the Vatican?

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All political appointees serve at the pleasure of the President. Sack the politicos, get into the senior civil servants.

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After the lot of them voted not to impeach The Donald, out of a violently convulsive fear of his base, are any of them going to break ranks with Moscow Mitch and the Trump "Organization"?

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The GOP will want things. Drive some very hard bargains, don't be afraid to throw inside or of taking some penalties.

The GOP understands smash-mouth politics. In the spirit of the Christianity said to motivated them, time to do unto them as they have done unto others..

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Ah, but what if some smart Repub tells them to not accept the appointment.....

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I got news for you: If McConnell imagines he'd have a Pres. Biden doing his bidding, he's right. Even without a GOP Senate majority. And it won't be by coercion, but by cooperation, if not outright collaboration (can we be honest enough to admit this defines Biden's entire Senate career?).

But then, this has been the M.O. of the DNC ever since it was jacked by the DLC (the Clinton-crat "Democrats for Leisure Class", as Jesse Jackson so aptly named it in 1988)--triangulate to the right in primaries, run to the left in the general election, and if elected, triangulate back to the right. Following this same, old, tired script, 2020 turned out to be an even larger embarrassment for liberal Democrats than 2016 was. And like '16, there's still a better-than-average chance the DP will lose the Presidency again; if not at the ballot box, then through the courts.

At this point, Biden's popular vote lead over Trump is a pathetic 900K more than Clinton's 2.9M, despite running against the most despised and hated President in modern history, and outspending him by a billion or so. Which is pretty much the only 'good' news for the DNC.

Under the enlightened leadership of DSCC Chair, Catherine Cortez Masto (D-NV), the opportunity to take back the Senate crashed and burned on take-off; and so far, with the equally enlightened DCCC (Chaired by Cheri Bustos, D-IL), Democrats lost a minimum of five seats in a year they were predicted to win 10-15 more.

There is no positive spin to put on this outcome, even if Biden somehow manages to get sworn in next year. Once again, as in '16, the DNC put all its eggs in the basket of making itself palatable to white people and Wall Street, and to a very limited extent succeeded (mostly with white men, it seems), at the expense of seriously eroding support among Blacks and Hispanics. Which is worse than '16, when the DNC managed to fail to woo white voters (even as it won Wall Street), while alienating the left in the process, and still picked up two Senate, and six House, seats.

In 2012, following Romney's loss, the RNC commissioned its famous Autopsy Report that correctly identified the major reasons the GOP lost, making recommendations to rectify their mistakes and deficiencies that were too obvious for the base (donors and voters) to accept, and was quickly buried. The DNC made no such attempt to look in the mirror to see what they screwed up (much less how and why), but did embrace every scapegoat (Bernie, Bernie Bros, Bernie Hos, Wikileaks, Comey, misogyny, RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA) they could find as their substitute to the kind of introspection and soul searching the situation demanded (spoiler alert: it has something to do with candidate selection and policy agendas). And paid the price for that in 2020 by denying there were any lessons to learn, while (to use a sports analogy) went to a well they refused to believe was dry.

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Its all about power, if Biden capitulates it will set the stage for his entire administration. He'll be at the mercy of Republicans. He needs to set a different tone, one that says "I won't be bullied"! He said that about Trump and he needs to say it about the rest of these Republican Clowns as well.

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