And I always quote Furio, from the Sopranos, "Stupid fucking game!"

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Isn't this the third or fourth time THIS YEAR that McTurtle has said "Fuck Biden, and fuck the very idea of 'governing' - I'm gonna block everything because I can and I want to!"? Since he's ben so very clear about his undemocratic, anti-American intentions, shouldn't the Dem say "Fuck this 'bipartisan' BS, let's give the people want they want!" then proceed to KILL the Filibuster, pass stuff people actually want, then spend every. f-in' second of the next 16 months constantly reminding people that "the Dems gave you want you want, and the GQP wants to take it away from you - so come out and VOTE for DEMS in Nov 2022 up & down the ticket so you can keep all the stuff the GQP wants to steal from you!"? Sounds like a plan, no?

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Maybe what you call liberal hobby horses are actual life & death issues for many in the Democratic base. Maybe the fascists are more palatable to desperate people than the same old pack of promises with the MRE portions of "Eat It and Shut Up" from the "liberals".I don't know. Maybe we can agree to just think about that.

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Jane Meyer wrote a piece on Mitch McConnell for The New Yorker (I think.) I read that she asked every person she interviewed for the article to say something nice about him. No one did. Not even his own daughters. That’s sad. I don’t think he cares (the motherfucker is a sociopath,) but it certainly sucks to be him because I know he knows everyone around him hates his guts. You have to be a really sick fuck to not be affected by that. Maybe he is.

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Well, given that Schumer is such a weak leader who cannot hold together the dem caucus (manchin, sinema) with giveaways for their districts in order to pass useful legislation, mcconnell more or less is the majority leader playing the ‘waiting out the clock’ game saying NO and thus denying dems their agenda.

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Yea, he butt-fucking ugly, and he looks like he smells to.

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By definition, a sociopath is a sick fuck.

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Sorry, not going to act as if Stephen Breyer is the problem. I'm staying purist on this one; Supreme Court Justices should retire when they see fit. That Bitch McConnell is the problem, and bullying Justice Breyer into retiring is just playing down to The Turtle's home turf.

Sens. Manchin, Sinema and Feinstein are also culpable. Don't stand in the way of fascism and just let Democrats fucking govern before the Republican voter suppression rules kick in, goddammit.

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Republicans work for the extremely wealthy and corporations-and no one else. Only fools and the wealthy vote GOP.

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This “scorched earth” shit is beyond ridiculous and insulting bullying from perhaps the most sinister member of the GOP. First, it suggests that he’s holding back and moderating his wingnut obstruction, which he isn’t. He pushes through every judge and law he can with or without all 3 chambers, and his threat is Undemocratic and vile. What’s he going to do to punish the American people if we remove the filibuster? He’s paid by we the people to work for what we want and need, not threaten to hurt tens of millions if the rules help democrats. If we blow up the filibuster, enact the fair voting rights bill, expand the court and give DC and Puerto Rico statehood, we will be fine. Dems will enact laws the majority of people love, like a damn $15 minimum wage! How can you lose a midterm when you just raised 40 million voters’ income? Tax the rich, pay poor people more, and watch the masses reward the party that makes that happen.

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Don't shoot Towelie!

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Or we could hand the GOP its ass in 24. Senate, House and White House also.That would be a nice finger to Mitch instead of eating our own

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Maybe then we should make good policy more palatable for the desperate. Except when we are desperate and get out to vote we winSo seems to me, Dem policies are actually more palatable. When we show up instead of eating our own.

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Some of "our own" are busy preventing us from handing the GOP its ass.

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