I read that as lighting Newt's sarong on fire, and I'm defs in.

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Or, alternatively, they send everyone to the FEMA camps who won't vote the way President Rafalcney wants them to - and the gridlock problem is solved.

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But Mittens didn't want to be president. Tagg said so. Or has Egg persuaded him it's his duty to go on Fox and blather about how an alternate world would be just peachy? If I gave a damn what any of that family says or does, I'd be confused.

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The schaden, it freudes itself.

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Is there anything left in Detroit for him to sell off?

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not Sarah Palin? There's a personality that fell off the map.Perhaps the Romneys could follow suit.

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He could show them the entry for "bipartisan" in the dictionary so they could see that it doesn't mean "doing what the Republicans want to do".

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Dick Cheney provided her with a referral.

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Fox News =The Butthurt Channel.

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How could you ungrateful moochers not vote for this man?!

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Romney went on to explain that the benefit of speaking to a friendly private audience is that you can say what you think without the fear of a backlash resulting from a critical analysis of your words.

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America got what it deserved.

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Hmmmmm. No sir. I still don't like Mitt and the Egg.

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