Glowingly reported in the most favourable of terms by the likes of Jim Kramer at CNN Money and the rest of those carnival barkers..

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In (r)Money's case, I'm predicting his next major failure will be in the public sector.

I'm guessing early November. 2012.

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That's what happens when you let your liver get out of shape. You need to start exercising it regularly.

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He can afford meth now that the new boss kept him on.

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<i>“You will [fail],” Romney assured him. “It’s the nature of the private sector.”</i>

And that's why our health care and the insurance we depend on should be kept in the private sector so it can fail us.

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Mitt is just waiting to bottle and sell your tears of rage and frustration.

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If you have them supersize the McBourbon, you'll get there quicker.

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<i>The man said he was a businessman too, with the only difference being that Romney talks about having failed, and “I haven’t failed yet.” “You will,” Romney assured him. “It’s the nature of the private sector.”</i>

A capitalist dick measuring contest means seeing who can be the bigger dick.

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"I don't know many actual citizens but I do know the rulers of many other countries."

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