It goes back to his days at Bain . . . all those laid-off workers didn't have families either. They were just liabilites, to be shed, for the sake of the almighty bottom line.

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LCR are pretty weird, but I think even worse are their archrivals, <a href="https:\/\/picasaweb.google.com\/lh\/photo\/KSaTp0x5fmQC3ypQvyAKE4-b4fZmWQN-iEoaUQXz0Pg\?feat=directlink" target="_blank">GOProud</a>

ETA: bah, IntenseDebate's features page suggests you can embed imgs, but it don't work

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i have to say, as much as i never want to see this tool 100 miles or 10,000 years within shot of the presidency, i also get the willies thinking about the poor SOBs who had to work for him.

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My Roomba (which I call Callista because it's a robot that sucks) thanks you from the bottom of its heart.

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I think I read elsewhere that this blatant example of Mitztler rMoney's complete incomprehension of the concepts of compassion and empathy is from his days as Governor. But allow me to use this to highlight another item - this also exemplifies the all too common bastardization, and dog-whistle-fortifying, of an important word: <i>Family</i>. Witness how his pin-point-narrow definition disallows him to even recognize that Goodridge - or any LGBT persons - <i>have a Family</i>.

The dehumanizing effect is beyond chilling to me, and is all I would have ever needed to know to shun him as unworthy of <i>any</i> consideration whatsoever, let alone allowing him anywhere near being POTUS.

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Yeah, but he's not even a real person, so it's ok.

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Leftie_Left, if you're out there, I wanna change my vote.

<i>Rossum's Universally-detested Romneys</i>

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Been trying to pull that stunt for ages.... first to succeed gets 100 p-ness points!

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That puts them 200 years ahead of the Catholic church. Who knew: Mormons are downright progressive!

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It's a "requested feature" that has yet to be added to his programming.

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Only if he gets elected...

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I think you mean, "Money badger doesn't give a shit."

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Wingnuts consider this a feature, not a bug.

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In other words, "if your question doesn't pertain to me making more money, I don't give a frack."

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A single quote that summarizes pretty much Romney's entire campaign, if not life: <i>[...] he says he’s not sure Romney intended to be offensive. “It felt like there was a lord/serf relationship,” remembers Friedes.</i>

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I think that'd better describe the angry mob's reaction after beating whatever little sense is left in Mitten's head out of him with rubber chickens.

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