He's got pretty good hindsight. Must be from having his head stuck up there all the time.

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sweet. thanks for this. as many of you know, NPR tends to depress the shit out of me and i really wish someone would stick a firecracker up putin's ass.

not really with votes.

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can you IMAGINE if romney had actually won?

dude would have been eaten alive by putin. 12 level chess obama has a chance against the neighborhood bully. his lord high hairgel wouldn't have had the tools or advisers to do more than drool.

or invade something b/c someone from the reagan administration thought there were missile defences in latvia and fuck armenia anyway.

god. these people.

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When did Mormons start to wear bike helmets?

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I imagine every network's staff knows what pastries McCain likes and has them on hand every Sunday just in case.

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Since he has no future in politics or punditry seems like the classy thing to do would be to devote his life to charity. Helping others with their car elevators and such like.

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Our foreign policy needs more feck. WALNUTS! demonstrated that the other day, by bellowing it and waving his arms <a href="http:\/\/well.blogs.nytimes.com\/2014\/03\/17\/study-questions-fat-and-heart-disease-link\/\?_php=true&amp\;_type=blogs&amp\;ref=us&amp\;_r=0" target="_blank">around</a> (at 4:48).

Can't State or DoD just issue a task order to KBR for fifty pallets of feck to be delivered to the Situation Room?

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Hey Mitt: Crimea River

Then go fk yourself (and Dick Cheney while you're at it).

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Named "Ruffian." Or Rufino. Maybe Randolph, who remembers?

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<a href="http:\/\/www.utsandiego.com\/news\/2014\/mar\/17\/fire-mitt-romney-house-la-jolla\/" target="_blank">Here's</a> what has Mitt so angry.

Dammit, thought I left that flaming bag of dog poo at the right grotesque mansion-to-be.

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<blockquote>A large part of the answer is our leader’s terrible timing. In virtually every foreign-affairs crisis we have faced these past five years, there was a point when America had good choices and good options. There was a juncture when America had the potential to influence events. But we failed to act at the propitious point; that moment having passed, we were left without acceptable options.</blockquote>

He's talking about 9/11 and Iraq, right?

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Mittens misspelled Benghazi!!1! throughout his critique.

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Mitt, you're such a pussy because you never answered Harry Reid's answer about your taxes. So run along now and let the leadership do it's best while you and Egg watch the hired help scoop up Rafalca shit.

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In virtually every foreign-affairs crisis we have faced these past five years, there was a point when America had good choices and good options. There was a juncture when America had the potential to <strike>influence events</strike> bomb someone back to the stone age. But we failed to act at the propitious point; that moment having passed, we were left without acceptable options.

FTFY and will you STFU and DIAF already, with (not enough) votes...

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"Has any Presidential loser spent as much time publicly whining and stamping their feet about it as Mitt has?"

Don't watch much Sunday morning TV? John McCain's entire job since he got whipped in '08 is to make the rounds of the Sunday Morning glad-handing shows and say what he woulda done differently if he were President instead of "That One".

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