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well, it was 'the help' that betrayed him and released the video. You know the poor caterers who have to work fundraisers on his next campaign are going to be strip searched and anally probed before they are allowed in the room.

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unless you are talking about rape and contraception. none of the seem to get that memo.

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Every couple of weeks I used to watch Rachel Maddow's awesome coverage of Karl StillwaitingforthoseelectionresultsinOhio Rove's meltdown when Fox calls Ohio for President Obama to put him over the top. It was the best. Then MSNBC ruined her online site and now you can't find it anymore. :(

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What? No Jello mold?

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Linden and Holder are keeping them for evidence.

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Don't get all clicky with the camera phone if you end up sharing an elevator with him.

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Well, you don't expect him to use that fancy, elitist Dijon mustard, do you? He's running for president, for pete's sake!

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Blah, female. That's all they need.

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Now I want a corned beef on rye SO BAD

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Mustard is ok as long as it's bright yellow. It's when it's elitist brown that there's a problem.

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My favorite memory is him resigning in disgrace.

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The GOP are obsessed with Jarrett and Michelle. I doubt very much that the American electorate has the least idea who Jarrett is or what she does. The weird thing is, she's just a normal savvy political advisor. But to the Gopps she is some kind of Svengali. Because, of course, female and black and highly professional. I guess I shouldn't be surprised. This is a culture that thinks Laura Bush and the Annbot are ideals of womanhood, and Palin is what a savvy political operative should look like. (I.e., a ho.)

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