It's known in mathematics as a gingrichian group.

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you know, i get the feeling this fellow wouldn't have made a very good president.

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Keep runnin yer pissflaps, Mitt.

And give that chicken a little sweet Mormon lovin while yer at it.

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Come to think of it, Mitt never really said anything.

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Ann said he's already released all the tax returns "you people are going to get." So we don't know. But we do know that he paid every dollar his sharpie tax preparers were unable to avoid paying, "...and not one cent more!" as he proudly proclaimed, as if being parsimonious in paying your taxes were somehow a virtue.

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They warned us this stuff would start to happen if we gave the gays rights...

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All I can say is thank god the "base" will never vote for Rombot again. They don't give a fuck about him, and certainly everyone else hates him, so why the fuck is it even talking? I think it's broken.

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<i>That’s how it began to be perceived, and so I had to ultimately respond to the perception, because perception is reality.</i>

Excuse me while I roll my eyes for an hour or two.

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Just goes to show. Shit floats.

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