That was quite lovely. Even the commercial was okay.

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Ein Pledge?

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He didn't have to ask for one. The German officers had already sworn a loyalty oath in the old Prussian style. Those officers took it so seriously that it was a major hurdle in organizing formal resistance to Hitler, even in the face of obvious evidence he was a terribly dangerous maniac who would take the nation to ruin. And worse.

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Some years ago we sent my brother and his wife a nice photo frame and, yes, it had a picture of a couple of kids in it.

I wrote on the card "As you can see, the kids have changed a bit." This caused my brother quite some confusion, particularly since one of the kids was Blah.

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Make me a God on my own planet right now and it's a deal.

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Interesting ad for a stop motion pirate movie.

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Is Ron Paul Dr. Zoidberg or Professor Farnsworth? -

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He was certainly given many cuts during the Great PUMA War of 2008!

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Sort of OT -

Rmoney said that, "I’ll build that pipeline even ‘if I have to do it myself"

Really? C'mon dude, fess up. How long has it been since you laid pipe?

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i like u. do u like me? (check one) ___yes ___no

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You and 70 million other people this November.

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I pledge allegiance to the Mitt of the United State of Irony. And to the Republicans for whatever the hell they stand for One nation, separate but equal (sort of) with liberty and justice for the rich.

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“I have said I will support the nominee when we have a nominee, no ifs, ands or buts.”

Of course, they won't officially have a nominee until <em>after</em> the delegates vote at the convention.

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