People Of Indiana vs. Gym Sock

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Well they don't allow coke but that never stopped Mittens ... how can one resist doing a few lines after getting a primo shoe shine?

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Mormons have a much shorter gestation period than humans

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Rape prevention nail polish? Is that from the same company that makes Empowerment Eye Shadow?

No snark, I truly have no idea.

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Sort of OT, but Mitt being a bishop and all... this blew my mind when I saw it on Pinterest (don't judge me, I like crafts): <a href="http://beinglds.blogspot.ca..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://beinglds.blogspot.ca/2013/07/learning-apos...">http://beinglds.blogspot.ca... THEY MAKE LITTLE CHILDREN DO THIS!! Because it matters if they can tell one old white guy in a suit from another.

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You know I WAS in a good mood until I read this. I think I may have to start drinking earlier than usual.

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More than a few I'm afraid. If he's really that <strike>narcissistic</strike> obsessed, we are in for a long parade of annoying Mittlings, Grand-Mittlings, and Great Grand-Mittlings doing their darn doodley dangest to secure America for paterfamilias. I'm certain each and every one of them are sincere in their belief that they can save the jerb creators from the filthy hoards of the 47%. After all, the West Wing could really use a car elevator up to the Truman balcony. And they can strap the dog carrier/Rafalca to the hood of AF1.

I also predict that if there ever is a Mittling in the WH, we will all long for the good old days of 43, Skippy McDumbass.

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Best one: "My kids are too little (I think) being 2 and 8 months". Ya think??

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the comments on that blog page are super creepy! eerily snark free. o_O

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Do the Mormons allow weed?

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They may never get anyone into the protocol office.

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Didn't the Duggars have at least one miscarriage? Lock them up! Get them off the TV!

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sister wives implied?

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I miss Egg. Romney should run.

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