Hey, "H," 你爱的国家是什么?中国?伊朗?肯尼亚?当然不是美国。

There, I've baited the trap. If he answers it, he'll reveal he's not ignorant, and hence not a true 100% USAmerican. If he doesn't answer it, he'll be admitting he hates this country. Well, by the standards these things usually seem to be judged by, at least.

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Yeah, it ain't just a river in Egypt. But seeing a major political party reduced to a cult-like operation, in which they repeatedly mouth sayings, aphorisms, bromides and lies then call it their "philosophy", ignore folks on their own side who actually <a href="http:\/\/economix.blogs.nytimes.com\/2011\/06\/21\/are-taxes-high-or-low-a-further-look\/" target="_blank">have a clue</a> and push for kooky, destructive "solutions" to <a href="http:\/\/tpmdc.talkingpointsmemo.com\/2011\/06\/pimco-founder-to-deficit-obsessed-congress-get-back-to-reality.php\?ref=fpa" target="_blank">tangential problems</a> and will, in all likelihood be returned to power one day, is kinda sad.

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The hell's he doing in the Republican tent?

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wow. i perfectly respectible candidate with reasonable ideas running for the republican ticket.

jon, i'm afraid you've brought a pen-knife to a gunfight with al swearingen.

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He isn't crazy, stupid or without scruples. I don't see how he makes it in the current Republican party. Now, assuming they crater in 2012, he might have a chance in 2016. But only if the nuts have driven the party over the cliff. Which seems to be the plan.

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doesn't he also believe in climate change and support some kind of dignity for the gays?

this should go well.

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we should all hoist a glass in his honor.

oh wait, we do that anyway...

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Jon2012! Stewart?

Bachmann, Gingrich, Santorum ... I'm beginning to see why the Mayan's predicted 2012 will be the end of the world.

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If the Republican nomination were based on hair instead of vitriol, he'd have a shot.

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<i>"From everything you read..."</i>

So this stuff will never be known by the TP'ers.

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Can't find China on a map? It's in Walmart and the Christmas Tree Shop, right?

True story: When I lived in Vermont and shopped at the Christmas Tree Shop, they'd make announcements on the P.A. "Mohammed to the front of the store please". The manager of the Christmas Tree Shop in Williston Vermont is named Mohammed. Is this a mixed up country, or what?

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Huntsman Chemical inventory includes the precursor chemicals for the manufacturing of MTBE (methyl t-butyl ethylene) which directly competes with ethanol. He's would be walking into a lion's den in Iowa.

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Correct! We only let green people in. Tall ones. Tall green women. Everyone else, take a hike.

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