pie̢̨̓̓͂̿ͨ͢͏҉͍ce of cake.

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Dumbya did nothing but listen to the help, and look where <i>that</i> got us.

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Make it Captain Morgan, and your recruitment efforts will be more likely to pay off.

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That is the big mystery to me: Promising a no-fun lifestyle for eternity doesn't seem like an effective recruitment tool, yet they somehow make it work.

Not that rationing out 76 virgins over eternity doesn't pose its own problems, but it has at least a superficial appeal.

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I think 'dipping the flag' normally refers to a momentary lowering of the flag, when passing the review stand during a military parade. I didn't see much of the opening ceremony, but did other nations lower their flags when passing British or IOC officials?

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And people wonder where the stereotype of the ignorant American comes from.

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I just watched it- I confess, I enjoyed it, but then I'm a hopeless anglophile with a strong sense of history. I liked the NHS segment- you get the feeling that when they planned this, they say down and asked themselves- What do we value in this country today? And that's what they put in- a multi-ethnic society that takes care of everyone. Plus some awesome books. and good music. What can be wrong with an opening ceremony that includes a bit from The Specials? Loved that music montage.

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<i>Would</i> make a horrible President. Please, oh please.

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Friends are for firing.

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If you want to continue liking him, you can watch Enemy At the Gates a few times.

Spoiler: A Nazi sniper played by a Rightwing Conservative gets his head blown off. What's not to like?

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A friend of the devil is a friend of... uhh, never mind.

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Since his advisers believe the Soviet Union is a threat again perhaps he'll drive Poland back into the Communist realm of influence.

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The hundred meter lurch?

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You are not the only one, NegroP. He give smugness a bad name.

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1. God bless Mr. Bean. We of the Wonkette faith owe a great debt to the British sense of humor.

2. I know I'm kinda drunk, but I get choked up every two to four years when I see the national delegations march into the Olympic stadium. Seeing proud citizens of Guinea Bissau and Macedonia and the Marshall Islands and Lesotho and Dominica and Finland and Sudan march in with their flags gives me some feeling of belonging to the Human Race for a change. I know the athletes are probably the pampered elites of their respective nations, but they've still accomplished something, and they are soaking in an international celebration with an appreciation, I imagine, of the greater whole our globe comprises. Maybe they're just focused on getting some video shots to show back home and on their events and on getting laid back in the Olympic Village. But in my mind, they are embodying a benevolent, accepting attitude that transcends nationalism and racism. And a lot of them have phenomenal bodies. I mean, like fucking leopards or antelopes.

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Get a friend, Morani

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