Perry has his own private reserve of Texas zillionaires ... no money problems there. Mitt is ignoring the other candidates and focusing on Obama, a strategy calculated to make him look like the "electable" choice. All he has to do to appeal to the Xtard/bagger demographic is pick a wingnut running mate, most likely Perry.

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That's a lot of CO2 released ... but maybe worth it in the long run.

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Now where would I be if I wiped 'em all out, eh?

OK, still here, yeah, but still -- it's the infinite variety of human fucktardedness that makes my life interesting. I mean, in 50,000 years of collecting the dregs of humanity, I only just recently came across Rick Perry's cash-for-dead-teachers scheme. Me and God had a good laugh over that one (he has me up for drinks and a bite of cake, every Christmas), although I think He cut off Texas' rain or something after He found out.

I'm pretty sure we're going to be discussing the seize-your-home-and-rent-it-back-to-you scheme this year. Gotta go and prepare another "special place" for those fuckers now... "a devil's work is never done," as they say. Or should say.

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I guess this planet's just for us to practice on, then.

I'm not familiar with the Mor(m)ons' "personal planet" woo ... but I have to guess that it's only the Mormon men who get one. I mean, as long as you're creating a fantasy world, you're going to be sure it's chock full of women, right? And lots of 'em, because of the boredom thing (forever being sort of a long time.) So, clearly, the ladies aren't entitled to their own planets. (They get to vote on this one, but like I said, it's only for practice.)

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The polite term, sir, is "workhouse".

-C. Dickens

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It's never too late to start. All it takes is an absolute, unshakeable faith ... in the stupidity of Americans. Jeebus and angels in Ohio or wherever the hell Smith put 'em is nothing -- look at what L. Ron Hubbard was able to do with space aliens, evil galactic emperors, spaceships, nuclear weapons, and volcanoes!

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Here's a chart that'll explode yer poor haid: <a href="http://www.calamitiesofnatu..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.calamitiesofnature.com/archive/?c=559">http://www.calamitiesofnatu...

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There's never a good time, I say. But consider the source.

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Eeew ... and eternally pregnant and making an infinite number of babies, too, also. That's something to look forward to!

I'm amazed that women stay in this fucked-up church at all. Poor Mitt's going to have to do some fancy dancing if he wants the female half of the electorate to give him the time of day.

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<i>“What I’m not willing to do is spend trillions of dollars on something I don’t know the answer to,” Romney said.</i>

Funny! This reminds me of when Dubya said pretty much the same thing about Iraq and WMDs. Well actually Dubya said the opposite: "Let's spend trillions on something I don't know the answer to," he said, a preposition ending with.

Or when Dubya said the same thing about tax cuts creating jobs. Again, he actually said the opposite: "Let's spend trillions and see if we can ruin our credit rating too".

But, of course, Romney is channelling Dubya's famous <i>"There’s a lot of differing opinions and before we react I think it’s best to have the full accounting, full understanding of what’s taking place."</i> That was ten years ago. Surely Dubya saw to it we now have that full accounting and full understanding. The consequences of being wrong are so enormous.

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If all the climate scientists will distort the data and its meaning for some grant money, imagine what a politician might say to get some campaign donations.

So I propose this experiment: replace campaign contributions with public grants (amend Const. if nec.). That's the experiment. I don't really care what happens next.

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I'd take any of these politician's opinion on climate change more seriously if they could pass a first year calculus course. Otherwise, they should STFU. "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy."

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"“What I’m not willing to do is spend trillions of dollars on something I don’t know the answer to.”

This guy could reduce Federal spending to zero! The teabaggers are going to go crazy for him now.

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Sure ... when the planet ends up with the climate of Venus, proving us right, we win!

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Who says it has anything to do with what he knows about physics? It has everything to do with what he knows about GOP politics.

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