So, it can still accept vouchers in Louisiana, then?

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<i>He would build a team, and then make things easier based on Republican talking points!</i>

this should be on obama's website.

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I would tell you, but you really don't wanna know what they do to baby otters at Office Depot executive retreats.

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According to IntenseDebate this is the best comment I've ever made!

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That's exactly what I was thinking!! a) these stores jack up the prices (so they can offer "discounts" to businesses and b) if you've seen a supply list you'd know that Staples just doesn't have some of this stuff. I don't remember seeing a nap mat or ziplock bags or Clorox wipes there. They also lack a good selection of sparkly pencils and folders with ponies and dolphins on the cover.

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But...but...but I thought it was Obama that didn't understand small businesses.

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So... he's saying "Staples didn't build that" right?

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Yes he is. That's why every Staples has a dog stapled to the roof.

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<i>"A good idea is not enough for a business to succeed. It requires a talented team, a good business plan and capital to execute it."</i>

If we apply that to governing instead of to a business, it's obvious Mittens would be missing only three of the needed elements in his presidency.

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