And to top it off, be driven to the voting booth in K-Lo's fiat, to vote for him.

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To be fair, robots don't actually need to eat. So he doesn't really understand the purpose of cookies. Considering how this <i>could</i> have caused him a blue-screen lockup, he actually did very well!

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He runs on CP/M. (Crass Pandering/Misogyny)

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All Mittens has to do it put Cheney in charge of the VP Search Committe and then he'll find himself.


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You did not just compare Willard to our beloved Thurston Howell the Third, because if you did, Lovey, Ginger and the other castaways will get medieval on your ass.

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I think Mr. Obama should play Big Joe Turner's "Flip, Flop and Fly" at all his events.

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Didn't One-L Michele attend Liberty University?

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