I think the GOP will propose a more progressive income tax scheme, single-payer health care, and a comprehensive plan to reduce atmospheric CO2 concentrations long before they denounce this scum. They've been worshiping at his altar for 40 years.

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A tube ring is what is used to "tie" fallopian tubes these days. So the spasticity of the tubes during a "legitimate" rape would act like a tube ring. I think that's what it means.

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<blockquote>Take note, Obama! This is way better than just having dinner with you and no funny business!</blockquote>

Would much rather have dinner with Obama than love note from Mitt's mouth. It's not even close.

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Then there's this <a href="http:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-2192514\/Paul-Ryans-black-ex-girlfriend-Mystery-childhood-sweetheart-college-remember.html" target="_blank">little nugget</a>

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And keep talking about the Ryan budget's plan to turn Medicare into a gift card system until the Olds realize where their interests lie.

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And keep talking about the job-destroying effects of cutting government spending in a demand-starved economy until working people realize where their interest lie.

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Ugh. The Daily Mail. I think I hate it more than I hate the Murdoch rags. Fucking Hitler-endorsing piece of shit paper.

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tamil tigers is mostly gone now.

except for M.I.A. of course.

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<i>The pro-life movement and I unequivocally stand with Rep. Akin...The guy is clean</i>

that's just gross. the guy is an ignorant, misogynist peasant spewing medieval cant in the 21st century and running for one of the most powerful offices in the land.

he is not at all clean in my world.

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Thanks! [sarcastically]<br />

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I'll be with you in two shakes of the etchasketch, dear.

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"...almost..." Mitt is president of loopholes.

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When I was a lad, the word "rape" never appeared in newspapers. Women were "assaulted." Now they can't quit talking about it, except when they're talking about trans-vaginal ultrasound and other technicalities about sticking things in the ladies—who did it, who gets to do it, whether its "legitimate," etc.

In general, actual words are better than euphemisms, free speech is better than restricted speech, yes yes, but Jesus<i> Christ, </i>can we talk about jobs for a while? Can Romney explain how removing regulations will magically generate jobs? Or can we discuss growing income inequality, or how the rich want to remove all taxes from every source of their income?

I'm going away now, to take a few deep breaths. Thank you for letting me vent.

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You and I, it seems, had similar reactions to that part of the story: "Yeah, nutrition (or rather, extreme malnutrition) <em>just might</em> have had something to do with that!"

There are so many <em>other</em> problems with using the death camp "data", it's deeply disturbing, and I'd say entirely discrediting, that anyone actually thought to do so. Also deeply disturbing that it apparently managed to survive peer review. WTF?

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Tube rings are fine. It's the other ones you don't want to see.

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When what you want is so limited in scope as it is for "Dr" Willke, 10 minutes is easily enough to make the judgment. I don't know how he gets to 99 percent when the test was out of maybe three. Perhaps he doesn't understand that 33% is rounded?

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