Sometimes it hard to tell... Despite, have ALWAYS voted Democratic, I still get emails and robocalls from Hair Furor and his mob on a regular basis.

I guess because I am male, in my 70's and white.

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I assume a centipede with Hannity's mouth attached firmly to DJT's ass.

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It's true. They'd convince themselves that he didn't really mean it or was just trying to 'own the libs' or whatever.

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Yeah, but he wasn't insulting his followers, he was just talking generically about grabbing women, which most of his supporters were probably supportive of grabbing pussy. If he got caught talking about how STUPID his moron followers were, they'd desert him pretty quickly.

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At least he lets the public in to view his western art...oh, wait, no he doesn't. He's got armed guards around the place to keep the art lovers out.

Alice Walton gets a tax break on her art museum, that nobody other than scholars and Alice Walton get to go into. Nice scam the rich have there, getting middle class people to pay for their private museums, where they get to store their appreciating art works.

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The Kochs are way worse than Trump. They've donated billions of dollars over the past few decades, to screwing over the middle class. Trump doesn't have the billions necessary to do that. He's just screwing us by giving the Kochs the tax cuts they want.

I heard a comedian saying "Democrats aren't going to bring socialism to America, the Koch brothers are." I wish they were going to live long enough to see the results of their treachery. One of them has already died, and the other is in his late 70s.

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I disagree. Even rubes don't want to hear how stupid they are, even if they know they're stupid rubes.

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Romney, agree with him or not, is the last republican in congress with a spine.

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Consciously, yes

Subconsciously, maybe not so much?

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They can all get together and share in their hatred of indigenous people in America.

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His compound has a car elevator. https://politicalticker.blo...

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Such a schlapp in the face, Mitt.

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I thought that was for when trump visits.

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i wouldn't know that as i've never tried marryjuana.

[ phiiiiit . . . 'ere ]

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As I recall, one of my earliest Wonkette readings was when Fartknocker went to CPAC undercover as a rep for the Milk Solids Council, well worth re-reading.

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Mert Rermna are a pill.

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