Sure it wasn't from the last couple of seasons of Survivor?

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That is nucking futs!

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As long as the US keeps sending money, Netanyahu wouldn't be concerned.

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Romney acts like the KGB prepares his taxes.

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Uh oh, you brought t3h Joos into it... Allen West will be arriving shortly to save you from yourself, My Lai style.

On another note, though:

<blockquote>so the American people can be satisfied that he’s not promising to sell out the country’s interests after the election is over.</blockquote>

Andrea, <a href="http:\/\/www.bbc.co.uk\/comedy\/clips\/p008tvld\/absolutely_fabulous_sweetie_darling\/" target="_blank">sweetie darling</a>, there's this little thing we have called "Congress" that makes laws and ratifies treaties and shit. Mr. Preznit can't sell the country out all by his self, y'know.

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Or at least walking hand-in-hand with him.

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