Reminds me of Gladstone's comment that he only visited prostitutes to explain the error of their ways.

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When this first came up I looked at some ex-Mormon websites, and it appears that many Mormons see tithes as a tax paid to the church.

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Netanyahu thinks he's the Torah?

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In related news, Dick Cheney seized the reins of power to crush his enemies, see them driven before him, and to hear the lamentation of their women, but didn't want to brag -- wait, yes, yes he did.

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The zillions the Mormon Church "donated" to the Prop 8 campaign to overturn same-sex marriage in CA were purely political, and they ought to have their tax exemption lifted for it, but it's apparently just too much trouble.

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Saving it for an October surprise, perhaps.

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Have the Republican pundits started comparing this to the birther controversy yet? Because not releasing more than 2 years of tax returns and having people hound you about your birth certificate, people call it fake, then releasing an older version with the same information, and still having people cal it fake....totally the same thing.

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Praise be to the NRA for ensuring that every dip-shit nut-job with a grudge can get his hands on a gun, even in NYC.

Oh, and SCOTUS is doing its part as well. Credit where credit is due!

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Thus the Cayman Islands and Swiss bank accounts....ah ha!

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With all due respect, the argument "I didn't reveal some information because I don't want to show off how good I am" is a well used one. I think Akin still wins the spin contest.

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Mitt can afford all the private roads in gated communities, preppy education, private security guards, chartered aircraft, etc, that he needs, so none of the trappings of civil society matter to him. No one in his family ever served in the military or is at risk of being conscripted.

Country-dwelling, home-schooling wingtards who see cities as festering sores of traffic and foreigners and parking you have to pay for share Mittens' opinion of the benefits of belonging to civil society. What has government ever done for them?

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I find that less likely than his extreeeeeeem charity being TOO extreeeeeeem for him to brag about...

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I'm pretty sure it's too soon to talk about this...

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