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Maybe the funds were vacationing in the Caymans and got mixed up with Mitt's luggage.

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Offaly true.

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Come on now, that's mean. Facts like that are just going to interfere with righties autoerotic activities.

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Katrina emergency funds, eh? You can see why they went unspent.

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"The worst thing about Romney is we never know what the worst thing is."

(Totally stolen from Esquire.com commenter Barry Friedman.)

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"Bipartisan" my flaming ass. In Mass., the fucker vetoed just about every single piece of legislation put on his desk, and the Dems in the legislature overrode him every time. We're talking hundreds of bills and hundreds of vetos. As a governor he was utterly useless, and whatever was accomplished during his term was accomplished in spite of his veto.

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He probably intended to hand it to some 47%-er, to feed to his family. Mitt's GOP handlers cut the taping short before that could happen.

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To cleanse the palate then; Ann Romney - anal bleaching

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And you will never have the money to do it by yourself.

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You know those things that protect you from floods?

You didn't build that.

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You vote him in. He fucks you and it doesn't feel good. Then you consider voting him in some more. I've written it a thousand times on these here wonkette walls. Po' white trash be gettin' all they deserve. Maybe some day they'll learn. "What's the matter with Kansas", etc & etc......

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Mr. Manager knows there's always money in the banana stand.

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I love Charlie Pierce:

<blockquote>There's a reason why he's going to lose this state by more than 20 points. The only thing about him that you can depend on is that there's never any room in the lifeboat for The Help.</blockquote>

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<i>Mitt Romney’s Guide To Flood Management</i>

The water goes in, the water goes out. Who can explain it?

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Just move to a different home, like Romney did.

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