Boy, no kidding. It is pretty glaring.

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"you're right Josh, we all need to study history better.

So can you study up and tell me why my father was denied a permit to lawfully carry a gun in Montgomery, Alabama? Can you tell me the difference between him and the 197 people who had such permits?

If you're not sure, can you tell me if any of those people were black? If you say you can't tell, get back to me. I'll be happy to help more. We should all know history."

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No kidding. And the hand color matches every other person in that photo. It is a BAD photoshop.

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O, gawd, do I find Josh Mandel embarrassing. I find him embarrassing because I'm Jewish. I find him embarrassing because we're both from Ohio. And I find him particularly embarrassing because we're both from the single most liberal, Jewish part of the state!

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And why would five black Marines be in a pic with a white reservist?

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*Sirhan Sirhan has entered the chat*

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That Mandel boy just ain't right in the head. Bless his heart. Mandel and Stephen Miller. Now there are some serious jokers.

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Okay everyone, show of hands: How many think that photoshopped image will actually hurt Mandell's prospects in the Republican primary this year in Ohio?

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Martin Luther King was the second black man in America. George Washington Carver was the first.

Maryland schools were so racist, if there had been Black history month back then they'd have had peanuts and watermelon on the school lunch menu all month.

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For Chreyests sake, MLK??? Really??? Mandel isn't even big enough to fill Adam Kinzinger's shoes.

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Doubt it will have any effect. Mandel did serve two Marine tours in Iraq. Attacking the picture can too easily be turned into "so you're attacking those of us who served."

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He looks that way in person, too. Back in the early 2010s, he sat in with my koffeeklatsch a few times. He struck me as young, awkward and needy.

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The police (particularly in Oakland) would drag black men out of their cars and beat the shit out of them. When Bobby Seale realized that there was no gun law that prohibited a black man from visibly carrying arms that completely changed…the police went insane and Raygun (may he burn in hell for eternity) imposed gun laws (there weren’t actually any real gun laws then).

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So it is not photoshoped?

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Just selectively darkened. Everything but Mandel's face, for some reason. If Politico is to be believed, that is.

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