I watched a little. Out of an admittedly morbid curiosity. I honestly don’t think he was real sure what he wanted. He wanted to talk to the president. He said he represented America. He was perseverating a good deal but, afaik, he never said what he wanted the president to do.

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Welp, add another item to the "yeah, he did" evidence pile for his "incited an insurrection" lawsuit....

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I wish Joe had blown up the man's truck.

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Yup. He even wore body armor to protect himself.

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How are we supposed to separate a mental health crisis from a larger agenda, that triggers a guy to stage a bomb threat at the Capital by himself, and a large body of people who literally raid the Capital for exactly the same stated reasons? Asking for 60-70% of the populace.

We have some seditionists in the legislature that need addressing. Tick fucking tock.

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" "So if you blow my truck up man, it's on you, Joe. I'm ready to die for the cause."

So "suicide by Biden" is a thing now? Good to know

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That's a really good question...We don't have the luxury of just chalking shit like this up to 'mental health issue'

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Can you prove he DIDN'T?

Didn't think SO!


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As far as I can tell, "dictatorial Socialism" means "measures to help people that pass with no Republican support."

Losing elections does not mean you get to scream "dictator" every time the winners do something you don't like.

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Exactly. There are undoubtedly a great number of people with mental health issues in the extremist groups, and also within the current Republican Party (because it’s an extremist group). Most extremist groups recruit vulnerable and aggrieved people. They make for great patsies, test subjects, and disposable soldiers. But, the radical nature of the mindset and actions of the larger group are dysfunctional AF and scream ‘mental illness’ too. Are we supposed to assume a ‘lone wolf’ is the defining feature for following the same behaviors as that of the larger group, but without the cover of a crowd?

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He's not a fan of mo' books.

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Sure we do.What isn't explained by "mental health issue" is an athlete bowing out of an important competition, especially if she represents 'Merica.



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I have questions. - What can Mr. Gooseberry be charged with? (I'll allow it, spellcheck.)- How many years can he get?- How many years (or months) *will* he get?- Can he get some serious mental health care in his new residence?

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Not til someone actually does it, IMHO. So ... still waiting.

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