Good question that I’m sure we’re gonna know the answer to pretty soon.

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What grinds my gears is that it probably wouldn't even be the patient who sues the state. It would almost certainly have to be the family of the patient. There's like a 90% chance the patient will be dead.

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Once again, creepy wingnuts trying their hand at changing human behavior to fit their view of how things should be, instead of recognizing how things actually are. Punishing people for doing something essential only creates more pain, and a very dangerous black market.

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"How does the republican party get any female votes?"

There are plenty of female misogynists. Remember Phyllis Schlafly?

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Remember the Ladies Against Women skits on SNL?

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I was thinking that KS was one of the few states that actually had a state constitutional amendment protecting abortion rights? I must be confusing with a different state. 😕

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Oh my god that’s hysterical.

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A chat with the Morrigan would be just the thing for all the anti-woman shitbirds.

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"Womb envy may be one of the main reasons that males deny women equal rights, demonize the female body and sexuality, have blamed women for the downfall of society, and explain why men are so obsessed with controlling women’s reproductive health and abortion."


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Your username is so spot on for what's been happening with these anti-woman laws. I know you've had it awhile and I smiled when I saw it back then, but the misogyny from the Republican 'legislators' has gotten so much worse.

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Flair. Hahaha. Haven't heard that for so long. I vaguely remember a Jennifer Aniston movie where she wore a lot of flair and the manager at the restaurant constantly talked about it.

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As a doctor I have specialized in ultrasound.

From medical school (after Roe) until this moment I have never seen a septic abortion.

The only time that I ever saw a fatal result from an ectopic pregnancy was when an undetected one ruptured while the woman was in the shower and she fainted, fell, and fractured her skull.

Here in NY, those experiences of what is never seen will continue to be the case because we will not be forcing women and girls into back alleys or demanding that an ectopic pregnancy progress to rupture, but I expect that doctors in many other states will be encountering a panoply of new clinical events that they never imagined that they would ever see...

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It’s an absurd name for an absurd reality. Lol! I don’t think we utilize ‘host bodies’ enough when we rail on these fools for pushing forward their nonsense. Treating 50(+)% of the populace like alien breeding vats deserves ridicule.

I also never change the name because I have trouble keeping track of other folks when they do, especially as we get new non-commenters.

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A man can put on a collared shirt, a tie and a jacket but that doesn’t mean he’ll look good.

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