The name of Trump's social media app's Chief Product Officer is Billy Boozer?

Real life is funny.

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OK, so he doesn’t want his grandchildren to know he’s a bigot.

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We have 51 votes without her. Romney, Murkowski, and weathervane Collins (why doesn’t she have wind cancer?) have all said they will vote for her.

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It doesn’t matter. Romney, Murkowski, and Collins are voting for her. Oh, and Manchin, so four Republican votes.

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"What's her judicial philosophy?"

"Not to do what the GOP tells her", so he's out.

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As an opera lover, I have to tell you...most of them are filthy as hell. The most popular ones are from the 18th to early 20th century, and they have *all* the -isms. Setting them in "exotic" cultures was a whole thing. The misogyny, classism and racism is unreal, and there's not a *breath* of LGBTQIA+ representation. Hell, it's only recently become expected that professional companies will cast a singer of the (roughly) appropriate race, rather than a white singer in black and yellow face.

It's kinda like Shakespeare. You just have to take some deep breaths and accept it as a product of its time, or walk away altogether.

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I read it more as he doesn't think she'll work towards the end goals HE thinks are important, ie taking America back to the happy days of the late 18th century.

Neither interpretation does him credit.

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I don't remember him bringing up personality with Kavanaugh.

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Honestly, the only thing I know about the MSM's actions regarding journalism et al are the stories here on Wonkette and in the comments (which, as we all know, are not allowed). Maybe it's a bubble, but I can't see that I'd be any better informed wasting hours of time to watch multimillionaire bobbleheads allow the most ineffectual attempts at lying succeed.

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Really, I think the Black and female part of her being a Democratic nominee are just bonus points against her in their minds, and that "Democratic" is the primary determining factor against her nomination. I have little doubt that if, say, Candice Owens somehow became a judge and came up as a SCOTUS nominee, they'd happily put her on the bench while crowing about how see, they're not racist or anti-woman at all. I mean, you see how quick they got Bony Carrot on the bench, right?

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Following the law and constitution isn't the Republican Way -- their philosophy is to twist the law and constitution to fit whatever kind of power grab or revocation of rights is in front of the bench at the time. But they like to claim they're following the law and the constitution, so therefore if you aren't following it their way, you're obviously not really following it. If you follow me.

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Ginni Thomas told Blunt to vote against the situation .

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Q: What's the best synonym for Blunt?

A: Obtuse.B: Dull.C: Thick.D: All of the above.

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Yes, Virginia, there is a Satan Clause....and you signed it.

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Just like those claiming credit for infrastructure works they voted against.

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